If you are in CHRIST and CHRIST is in you (by faith) that is what a Christian is.
Then nobody is going to ask you to Pass the Salt or Turn on the light!
Because JESUS already said you were 'salt' and 'light'
We explained this to our two boys like this:
They are both Canadian/ Finnish background, boys.
We said, (to teach them this lesson)
"Ok listen here, you two are going to try and start to act like
Finnish boys!"
They looked puzzled, as I thought they would.
You can't try to act like a male if you are a male. You can't act
Canadian if you are Canadian.
Matthew 5:13-14
JESUS said: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt
loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no
longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."
It works kind of like this:
The sun is the greater light and the moon the lessor light.
The moon only reflects the sun.
And that is the same with you.
You don't try to be the moon, if you are the moon.
Salt doesn't try to be salt - it is salt!
JESUS in this story is like the sun (greater light) and you the moon
relfecting HIS brilliance and light.
And so with you, you are light, you are salt.
You don't try to be something you already are!
So, Let your light shine - because it already does.
After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Monday, January 25, 2010
Thoughts on Thoughts
Thoughts are like advertisements.
Each 'ad' tries to persuade you to 'do business' with either of the 2 companies.
2 Companies you may ask?
GOD's business or the devils business.
These thoughts come at you like TV commercials or walking down a busy street or trade show with people trying to hand you promotional flyer's.
The thought triggers your mind to choose who you are going to do business with.
Are you simply going to believe the thought or not.
When you do, it will lead you down a list of 'more offers'.
Keep in mind (pun intended) that GOD's thoughts are about you (positive) and
HIS intention is to 'teach' and 'help' (like a good mother or father) but the devil makes his offer or 'ad' to you as 'temptations' because GOD tempts no one!
When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does HE tempt anyone; James 1:13
In a war, the enemy will attack your communications (to hinder the giving and receiving orders) and that is what the devil will do.
If it comes as a temptation (its not a GODLY thought)
Does it tempt you to doubt GOD's LOVE?
Does it tempt you to be afraid that you won't get GOD's provision?
Does it tempt you by telling you that GOD's isn't supplying a need, so you need to act (to get that thing that GOD isn't supplying).
Those 'ads' are not from GOD and James 1:13-15 tells us all those thoughts will do is lead us down a dark, downward slope - to kill us!
Its poison to your body and soul (mind, will, emotions)
The hard part in understanding is GOD's Voice is something good, helpful to you.
But the devils voice (temptation) is also (seemingly) good to you as well (but its a short cut) and its you doing it (not GOD).
See Abram knowing GOD was going to provide a son (eventually Isaac) but instead of waiting for GOD to provide through his wife Sarah, he got carried away in his own thoughts and took the short cut with Hagar.
Now JESUS talks in John 10 all about 'HIS sheep hear HIS voice and follow HIM'
(see John 10:4)
Ok, if you read John 10 you will see how thoughts come in and what to do about it.
This parable is full of teaching and deeper wisdom.
But here's the story,
JESUS starts off by saying "the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber (John 10:1)
We know who the thief is (the devil) according to scripture.
We also know who the gate is because that is JESUS (John 10:7)
Now only the owner, enters by the front door or main gate. Its only the thief that finds some other way to 'break in'. This is what JESUS is saying, these thoughts that break in and are not centred on the LORD HIMSELF are imposter's!
The gate is JESUS, the thoughts that come in that are consistent with HIM are HIM!
(or are from HIM) But HE is the living WORD! John 1
This is the meaning of this verse in 2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Ok, so if they don't match JESUS LOVE, or what HE is about - its wrong! Wrong for you. Dangerous for you.
Verse 3 says; " the watchman (that's your decision making process/ your will) opens the gate (allows JESUS to speak to you, encourage you, teach you - lead you).
'and the sheep listen to HIS voice. HE (JESUS) calls HIS own sheep by name and leads them out.'
GOD always wants to lead you into larger area's, greater pasture. More abundant life.
The devil only diminishes, through fear and lies he wants to take away.
Fear really only takes away LIFE. The devil wants to take away - deduct life, erode life.
verse 4 of John 10 "When HE has brought out all HIS own, HE (JESUS) goes on ahead of them, and HIS sheep (you and I) follow HIM because they know HIS voice.
In verse 7 JESUS tells us HE is the gate.
In verse 9 JESUS reminds us HE is the gate and that whoever enters through ME will be saved. Finding pasture.
JESUS says this incredible fact in verse 10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "
also verse 11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. "
Only LOVE lays down its life for another. There is no greater love John 15:13
What are you afraid LOVE (GOD) is going to do to you?
Why are you so fearful of 'nail pierced hands'?
The devil only comes in some other way and never through JESUS.
These are all in thoughts, many times per day and the temptation has one
goal, one objective and that is to divide.
Divide you from GOD'S LOVE (divide sheep from SHEPHERD)
Divide you from the love of each other (divide sheep from sheep).
Challenge your thoughts, many of them are not from GOD, but don't let that discourage you (your human like the rest of us), but know you know what to do.
Take those thoughts that undermine GOD's promises and word, and dismiss them because they only want to divide you (separate you from GOD and one another).
But you might think, what can separate me from the LOVE of GOD?
But then how does the temptation separate me from GOD's Love (or the LOVE of GOD)?
It can't, but you can steer away from HIM (HE hasn't left you) but you wander away from HIS pasture, HIS LOVE, to lust (love turned inward) self loving self is lust.
Self loving others (is GODS LOVE).
Nothing on its own can separate us from GOD but ourselves (sin) can separate us from HIM.
Ever had an arguement with your parents or spouse? They don't leave you (but maybe at the time you wish they did) but in all seriousness, your fellowship is broken and the joy and benefit of living in love with each other is temporarily severed. And what does it bring? More sin, more trouble, more problems.
My mother has a saying the LORD gave her once - two words:
'Sin Complicates'!
The way I see it, is nothing can separate you from HIM but we can leave that safety of the pasture (where JESUS is leading) and puts us in wrong places and trouble. Does HE still love us - for sure!
Like a wayward child, does Mother stop loving him? Impossible!
What about the GOD who is LOVE? even MORE Impossible!(if thats possible).
Each 'ad' tries to persuade you to 'do business' with either of the 2 companies.
2 Companies you may ask?
GOD's business or the devils business.
These thoughts come at you like TV commercials or walking down a busy street or trade show with people trying to hand you promotional flyer's.
The thought triggers your mind to choose who you are going to do business with.
Are you simply going to believe the thought or not.
When you do, it will lead you down a list of 'more offers'.
Keep in mind (pun intended) that GOD's thoughts are about you (positive) and
HIS intention is to 'teach' and 'help' (like a good mother or father) but the devil makes his offer or 'ad' to you as 'temptations' because GOD tempts no one!
When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does HE tempt anyone; James 1:13
In a war, the enemy will attack your communications (to hinder the giving and receiving orders) and that is what the devil will do.
If it comes as a temptation (its not a GODLY thought)
Does it tempt you to doubt GOD's LOVE?
Does it tempt you to be afraid that you won't get GOD's provision?
Does it tempt you by telling you that GOD's isn't supplying a need, so you need to act (to get that thing that GOD isn't supplying).
Those 'ads' are not from GOD and James 1:13-15 tells us all those thoughts will do is lead us down a dark, downward slope - to kill us!
Its poison to your body and soul (mind, will, emotions)
The hard part in understanding is GOD's Voice is something good, helpful to you.
But the devils voice (temptation) is also (seemingly) good to you as well (but its a short cut) and its you doing it (not GOD).
See Abram knowing GOD was going to provide a son (eventually Isaac) but instead of waiting for GOD to provide through his wife Sarah, he got carried away in his own thoughts and took the short cut with Hagar.
Now JESUS talks in John 10 all about 'HIS sheep hear HIS voice and follow HIM'
(see John 10:4)
Ok, if you read John 10 you will see how thoughts come in and what to do about it.
This parable is full of teaching and deeper wisdom.
But here's the story,
JESUS starts off by saying "the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber (John 10:1)
We know who the thief is (the devil) according to scripture.
We also know who the gate is because that is JESUS (John 10:7)
Now only the owner, enters by the front door or main gate. Its only the thief that finds some other way to 'break in'. This is what JESUS is saying, these thoughts that break in and are not centred on the LORD HIMSELF are imposter's!
The gate is JESUS, the thoughts that come in that are consistent with HIM are HIM!
(or are from HIM) But HE is the living WORD! John 1
This is the meaning of this verse in 2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Ok, so if they don't match JESUS LOVE, or what HE is about - its wrong! Wrong for you. Dangerous for you.
Verse 3 says; " the watchman (that's your decision making process/ your will) opens the gate (allows JESUS to speak to you, encourage you, teach you - lead you).
'and the sheep listen to HIS voice. HE (JESUS) calls HIS own sheep by name and leads them out.'
GOD always wants to lead you into larger area's, greater pasture. More abundant life.
The devil only diminishes, through fear and lies he wants to take away.
Fear really only takes away LIFE. The devil wants to take away - deduct life, erode life.
verse 4 of John 10 "When HE has brought out all HIS own, HE (JESUS) goes on ahead of them, and HIS sheep (you and I) follow HIM because they know HIS voice.
In verse 7 JESUS tells us HE is the gate.
In verse 9 JESUS reminds us HE is the gate and that whoever enters through ME will be saved. Finding pasture.
JESUS says this incredible fact in verse 10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "
also verse 11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. "
Only LOVE lays down its life for another. There is no greater love John 15:13
What are you afraid LOVE (GOD) is going to do to you?
Why are you so fearful of 'nail pierced hands'?
The devil only comes in some other way and never through JESUS.
These are all in thoughts, many times per day and the temptation has one
goal, one objective and that is to divide.
Divide you from GOD'S LOVE (divide sheep from SHEPHERD)
Divide you from the love of each other (divide sheep from sheep).
Challenge your thoughts, many of them are not from GOD, but don't let that discourage you (your human like the rest of us), but know you know what to do.
Take those thoughts that undermine GOD's promises and word, and dismiss them because they only want to divide you (separate you from GOD and one another).
But you might think, what can separate me from the LOVE of GOD?
But then how does the temptation separate me from GOD's Love (or the LOVE of GOD)?
It can't, but you can steer away from HIM (HE hasn't left you) but you wander away from HIS pasture, HIS LOVE, to lust (love turned inward) self loving self is lust.
Self loving others (is GODS LOVE).
Nothing on its own can separate us from GOD but ourselves (sin) can separate us from HIM.
Ever had an arguement with your parents or spouse? They don't leave you (but maybe at the time you wish they did) but in all seriousness, your fellowship is broken and the joy and benefit of living in love with each other is temporarily severed. And what does it bring? More sin, more trouble, more problems.
My mother has a saying the LORD gave her once - two words:
'Sin Complicates'!
The way I see it, is nothing can separate you from HIM but we can leave that safety of the pasture (where JESUS is leading) and puts us in wrong places and trouble. Does HE still love us - for sure!
Like a wayward child, does Mother stop loving him? Impossible!
What about the GOD who is LOVE? even MORE Impossible!(if thats possible).
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