Being in the Kingdom, (which is another way of saying, walking with JESUS daily in
HIS GRACE), you will find that one of the benefits of this life, is that you are extremely contented with everything happening.
Now that doesn't mean you don't feel, or have compassion with those hurting around you. But that you are not in a state of constant desire, like those that don't walk with the LORD JESUS daily.
Those not walking in the SPIRIT, are what the Bible classifies as living for the 'sin nature'. You can read more in this blog about your 'sin nature'.
Anything that has to do with the sin nature wants to destroy you - and it will, just give it enough time.
There are major draw backs for living in sin, and huge benefits for living in HIS Kingdom of GRACE.
For the ways of the wicked (listening to the sin nature/flesh), is a terrible lost life. Now Christians at time, can fall into this dead life of listening to the 'sin nature', when they forget
that this old life is dead and already crucified with CHRIST.
Listening to this 'sin nature' will have one outcome; eventual death.
Living a cursed life -where you are never satisfied.
You keep craving more and when you get it, you need even more.
Restless, hungry, frustrated, searching, anxious - and never truly content.
Does that describe you?
Now if you are walking with JESUS daily, you will start to learn the greatness
of HIM making you content and not anxious anymore. Its a process, but you will get there. In fact GOD generally doesn't advance you (in HIS Kingdom) with a larger
house, or more income, or more spiritual power, until you learn that HE alone is your joy and you are happy with JESUS wherever you are in life.
JESUS is our reward!
If you are not, then you are walking listening to the sin nature which is Satan
and he will destroy, and not ever satisfy you.
Ah, that sin may seem 'fun' for a short while, but when its over, you crave more.
Not so in the Christian Life - which is real life. Because real life comes from living for the one who is LIFE - JESUS HIMSELF!
Ok, so how are us Christians different?
We are happy and joyful with what the Bible calls "Fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT". You see, in HIM (GOD'S SPIRIT) there is incredible fellowship. A joy you receive from being united with your brothers and sisters in JESUS! Its not based on what you have or don't have. It finds its rest and satisfaction right where it is.
It knows there is a greater plan.
It knows there is joy outside of circumstances.
It knows that life doesn't consist of the things we possess.
It feels the joy, and love and that 'feeling' stays with them as long as they
keep their eyes on JESUS.
It has joy and satisfaction daily.
So, do you still crave?
Still want - More??
Not Satisfied, feel like life is passing you by?
Well, you either don't know LORD JESUS personally and so you are in a state
of what the Bible calls 'putting yourself as GOD'S enemy'.
Note: GOD is not making you HIS enemy, you are because you are living for
and listening to Satan, who is GOD'S (defeated) enemy.
Or you are a carnal Christian that has lost your first love, and think that
somehow you can get it back by doing it Satan's way.
Repent, and ask the LORD to help you.
Help you die, to all the garbage the world and Satan say
that you must have.
You will start to rejoice in what you do have.
You will start to 'smell the roses', and enjoy life.
You will start to live in satisfaction all the days of your life.
And anything you don't have (or might lack, down the road) will
be added unto you.
Surely everything Good and Loving will follow and chase you
every single day of your life!
What LIFE - What a JESUS!
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6