The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Sunday, February 28, 2010

When GOD says "No".

One Command is that we are told to put on the full armor of GOD. Ephesians 6:11

Note: although this isn't the purpose of this post, but each piece of armor is JESUS! You put it (HIM) on by believing, and you are never told to take it off or that it falls off. Simply recognize HIM for every piece of the armor. Even on a per need basis.

Back to my main point:

God tells us to put on armor...

Have you ever told a child to put on his coat or hat before going out? Its a command but really its only for the good of the child (Mom and Dad don't really benefit by someone else wearing a hat).

Its the same as GOD's commands, they are all motivated by LOVE (which is only for your own good).

HE can not think or act otherwise HE is true to HIMSELF & it benefits you and us - because it is LOVE.

Since LOVE is always about the best interests for someone else (its never about me first).

When GOD commands or gives orders they are not for HIMSELF. They are all about you, or the greater good (the Church) HIS body.

At times we may give (as parents) certain demands or expectations on our children but they are either for their good or the good of the whole or entire family, which obviously includes them too.

GOD is just like that!

Now sometimes when you pray, you don't receive because you are praying or asking too low (too small). Like one of our kids wanting (requesting /praying) to Dad/Mom that they would like to munch on some potato chips.

Parents answer "no".

Why? The child doesn't know that the family is going out to eat and they are going to eat well having a great feast, but the child is asking to small, so the answer is no.

Keep in mind that everyone that talked with JESUS as HE walked about was all prayer.

It was all asking, talking, requesting - prayer!

When you ask a request in prayer, and you believe it's for the sake of LOVE and a legitimate request and you still get a 'no' (because the result didn't go as you suspected) then we quote from Norman Grubb who said "GOD'S "No's" are greater "yeses"!"

If you are asking too small and not getting then ask for larger! Or ask the LORD "what should I ask"? Looking for larger!

see 2 Kings 13:15-19 for one example, when they would've received way more but didn't.

Other times we ask too big and the answer out of love (its always out of love) is 'No' .

A parent wont allow something that will either destroy their child or hurt their sibling.

Either will GOD.

The answer is no.

In our family one brother may ask Mother (they ask some outrageous things sometimes but then again so do we, with GOD).

Son asks "Can I have all of my brothers _________ (insert item name). Candy, Cake, Toys, Baseball Cards

One of our sons once asked for his allowance and the allowance of his brother (because he reasoned he did more work).

My answer to them, "No".

The disciples and people asked JESUS some crazy things at times; like if they (James & John) could sit on JESUS left and right. See Mark 10:36-40

Huge request at the expense of everyone else - Answer 'NO'.

And many times we simply don't receive because we don't even bother to ask. "You have not because you ask not" see James 4:2-3

Lastly we need to learn when to ask and when to take.

Our authority as GOD's kids, is to take what HE already promised us. When my boys were younger, they asked us for everything. Now, as they get older, they know what they can take and usually what still needs asking for.

They don't ask, if they can have a drink or an apple or sit down and read a book. They often go into the kitchen and just take. They will often speak at school when other kids are tempting them to do or say something wrong. If they speak with confidence about what they know NOT to do, they don't come home and ask us first, they already know and speak.

I believe therefore I've spoken. 2 Corinthians 4:13

Many things we already know what GOD wants. And many things you already have, you just don't have the eyes to see it yet!

There is a time to ask GOD in prayer. There is another to use the authority HE has given you over evil.

I learned this lesson in a vision GOD gave me about 5 years ago.

Vision on authority and prayer

In my vision, I was in my home (my old house) and heard a sound by my front door.

When I went to check it out I saw a thief standing in my front doorway. In my hands I held 2 things.

In my right hand I had a loaded pistol. (Note: I don't own any guns this was a vision)
I had my title deed to my house (Note: they don't really give those things out like they used to)
Ok, so with loaded gun and title deed I was armed.

I pointed the gun to the thief and demanded that he leave!

He tried to speak and convince me (very well I might add) to give up the gun and title deed and hand them over to him instead!

And in my vision I was tempted to and felt pressure to give in to his crazy request.

Then my vision was over.

The LORD spoke: "the pistol was MY power and the title deed MY authority. You have both MY power and authority over the enemy".

I knew the devil was the thief.

Here's what I learned:

its my house, not the enemy. (this is my Fathers world).
the gun is loaded (HIS power is very real for the situation).
the title deed proves its my rightful place of authority, not the thief's.
the power of the thief (his doubts and lies are very convincing) to almost get me to put down my gun and hand it over with the title deed to him.
if the vision would have continued, I might have given in - it was that tempting.
the devil has no authority or power over GOD's kids (you and me). He's been defeated already at the cross. Colossians 2:14-16
Using our own family as an example we constantly see GOD heal us and give peace. We don't beg GOD to do it, as HE already told us to 'lay hands on the sick' or anoint with oil. If it persists, we can ask GOD to show us what we are missing or what else to do.

But we have to at times keep demanding the devil, or sickness or pain to leave.

It always does!

Because of JESUS we've have not had to take medications, or go to hospitals. From our kids getting nightmares and demonic attack (no more praise GOD) to pains and sickness, bumps, lumps and headaches to sprained (painful) hands, feet, legs. JESUS has healed all.

HE has filled teeth, taken pain away so many times. HE is Amazing LOVE.

We've seen cancer go, heart problems to good hearts, and answers to prayer for financial aid and victory over sins. What a champion!

I can't even begin to remember all the things HE has taught us and the many lives 100% changed by HIS GRACE - Amazing Grace!

HE is an ever present help in the time of trouble. Psalm 46:1 and we need HIM all the time!

pray without ceasing...1 Thessalonians 5:17

Remember HE is a GOD of faith, you must believe before your receive! Mark 11:24 and Matthew 21:22

Don't bother, if you wont believe HE hears and will answer specifically what you are praying for, as long as its motivation is LOVE. Isaiah 65:24

I will end with this story:

One of our best friends is a Christian Jew, (a complete Jew) and he said this:
(BTW: GOD healed him of cancer and his is in his 80's!)

"The Jews had no problem believing that JESUS would heal them, but for HIM to forgive sins, that was blasphemy. We Christians, on the other hand, have no problem believing HE forgives sins but not for healing!"

Satan continues to divide HIS word, and deprive the children.

But, HE loves to answer prayer! Rest in HIM, HE is holding on to you!