See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.
Deuteronomy 30:15
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deuteronomy 30:19
But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 2:17
The other day, I had to wait in my office parking lot, for a truck bringing a delivery, whose driver didn't know the way into our office building complex. So, to make matters easier, I waited in my parking lot for this big truck to arrive.
The only thing I didn't know, was he was caught in a traffic jam, so my short wait became longer than anticipated.
So, while waiting, I amused myself watching the birds and squirrels running around the little green area amidst this concrete jungle parking lot and busy road around me.

So, waiting and waiting, sitting in my truck, I asked DAD, if there was anything I could learn, while sitting there?
My mind started to reflect and think about GOD'S creation, and seeing life around this very busy industrial/business section of our city, I also was shocked to see this...

Not shocked because I saw a beer bottle or 'road kill' (like I've never seen that before), but shocked that around these little birds, and squirrels was both life & death!
And I didn't even notice it!
Sorry, to those perhaps offended, I am not trying to be graphic or sensationalize this post.
Its just that, life and death were together and DAD (GOD) has lots to say about all that for our benefit.
My own family life (and my wife's too) was plagued by drinking, addiction and trouble. You see GOD our Perfect Parent - DAD is warning us to "choose LIFE" so that we can really live!
Its a choice.
Note: When you understand the meaning behind JESUS calling HIM FATHER you will see it is the equivalent of 'DAD' or 'DADDY'. The LORD'S prayer really should start "Our DAD, who is everywhere around us (Heavenlies), YOU are HOLY and AWESOME..."
Get the idea?
It is a much closer relationship, then you would have thought, and GOD who is your DADDY wants the exact same closeness and family tie with you!
To often the christian religion (institutional church) has made it harder to connect with GOD making them the 'go between' or worse 'kidnapped' us, so that we can't get back to our DAD and find rest and peace which is in HIM ALONE!
Ok, so what about LIFE and Death.
They are persons.
You must choose.
This DAD that really Really loves you, will never force this relationship, or 'make you' love HIM. Because LOVE is never forced, it doesn't insist on its own way. 1 Corinthians 13:5
HE is waiting...waiting for you!
Are you coming to HIM? Are you choosing HIM?
The choice of "LIFE and Death" is simply put HIS way or my way. Like a child that is too young to know, would eat what he shouldn't, go where he shouldn't and do what he shouldn't, all these things could seriously harm the child and if not guarded and loved it could be worse.
GOD is saying that. HE is simply saying "There is a right way to go, you were created to have fellowship/live with ME".
"I MYSELF AM LIFE, you can't find LIFE in any other way, because there is death around you".
Now this Death, is the Devil himself, Death is your enemy. 1 Corinthians 15:26 and this spirit/demon is out 'hunting' and seeking to destroy. Giving you what you are tricked into thinking you need, slowly poisoning, until death happens.
It doesn't have to be so, everyday you have the same choice Adam and Eve had in the Garden. There is a 'tree of LIFE' and a 'tree of knowledge of good and evil' (its not called a tree of death). You either (in vain) serve yourself, and make yourself god. You are really doing the Devil's business and are a slave to Satan and to your sins though and are Not a god. The LORD refers to Satan as the 'god of this world'. 2 Corinthians 4:4
This 'god of this world' has blinded the eyes of many, either by rebellion or religion. They can't see that the only way is JESUS. Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life!" John 14:6
JESUS doesn't point to a way, but points to HIMSELF!
HE doesn't point to the church, or the bible, or to any prophet or preacher, but points to HIMSELF.
Want to choose life?
Want to avoid death? and all of deaths friends, like pain, loneliness, burden, guilt, fear?
Choose life, and you will live!
Choose JESUS, who is your very life! Colossians 3:4
Leave christian religion, church going, tithing, and the effort, and building your own religion to worship yourself all by your own effort (that was the tower of Babel you know).
And say, to the LORD, I can't do it, I am Not Good (like YOU), and I am frustrated and have ruined this Christian life, realizing that I can't live it, but YOU who is LIFE can, and you do it through me/ in me. Without me even trying, but by simply coming to you, you will never push me away, I take JESUS. Live through me, its YOU and all I want is YOU!