The LORD woke me up to this little revelation, this morning. This is what I heard:
That which is born of flesh is flesh, but that which is born of SPIRIT is spirit. John 3:6
The SPIRIT gives birth to spirit.
When you were created, because that process begun before you were born, you were given a heart and breath spirit.
All through the holy scriptures, the word spirit actually means breath.
So you were born with heart and breath.
Nothing new there.
But when you are born again, or born from above, (see John 3:3) you are given a new heart, one that is capable to really love. And a new breath, as you receive the very life of GOD in you.
A life of grace and favor, a life that is able to receive, and then display and distribute the very life of GOD to a world around you!
The first breath and breathing you got when you were a new baby, gave you life to enjoy and receive, and take in the world around you. Similarily the breath you receive the second time, (Breath of GOD - SPIRIT) allows you to receive and take in the new Kingdom around us, the invisible yet greater world because its ruled by GOD. This kingdom of GOD is the Kingdom that created the world that you see. It is before all and is above all, and sets uts influence to every area it touches.
Dare ye enter?
Do you want this kingdom?
You need to be born again, to enter in. You need to be born from above to enter in.
Then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" Receive the HOLY BREATH!
The Breath of GOD! John 20:22