Really hopelessly lost and wretched, we are, without
JESUS. GOD says our ‘good works, are filthy rags’. Isaiah
64:6 Not telling us yet about our bad works, but good works.
In the New Testament (New Covenant in JESUS) by Great Exchange.
Paul said it this way; ‘in me dwells no good thing’. Romans 7:18
Apart from JESUS we are spiritually bankrupt.
Interesting that when JESUS came, HE came as an insignificant baby born with the world rejecting HIM, and no place in their homes/lives for HIM (no room in the inn). Luke 2:7

The word comes from the French manger (meaning "to eat"), from Latin manducare (meaning "to chew").
So, I don’t know about you, but to have my children born in
a barn feeding area is not my idea of the best place to have a child or to keep
it. But that is the place the KING OF KINGS decided to be
born. And that place was also used as a sign to the shepherds who heard
the angels say that; “This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped
in cloths and lying in a manger." Luke 2:12
1) We
who are interested in hearing from GOD, hearing HIS voice better (which is a
prayer of mine), keep in mind that when GOD came as JESUS, HE went to the
least, almost nothing place and to shepherds, who weren’t nobility or the
intellectual. No but only the ‘pure in heart see GOD’ Matthew 5:8.
Those without a divided heart, or a hard heart, but a pure heart (it doesn’t
say a heart without sin) but a heart that wants only HIM – not HIS gifts, but
2) Placed
in a manger, which is the place animals slop their food and eat. But
JESUS later said to ‘eat HIS flesh’ and ‘drink HIS blood’, (see John 6:54-56)
because HE is the ‘manna from heaven’ the bread of life (see John 6:35, and
John 6:48) and the ‘sacrificial lamb’ that the Jews were instructed to eat at
Passover (see 1 Corinthians 5:7). Cook and eat the entire lamb (see
Exodus 12) You see, if you take JESUS (not religion, not churchianity,
not Sabbath keeping, or pew attending but real hunger to eat and take from
JESUS only, understanding that HE is the ‘last supper’ meal, the
‘communion’ of GOD with man – take HIM and HIM only, and when HE fills you, you
won’t have room for anything else! Open your mouth so HE can fill it! (see
Psalm 81:10)
What a GOD!
What an Amazing Journey and seeing miracles! HE is our life!
This is the season that reminds us that HE comes to us, and
that is the greatest miracle, that HE cares and comes even now to each of us!
HE is the gift.
Heaven’s best for us.