The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Old News vs. New Revelation

As I got up this morning and sauntered into our kitchen.
I was surprised by the plate of old withered fruit, that was left from the day before.

Where is the appeal that it had, just a day before?

Then the LORD spoke to me:
"See that plate son?"
"Yes", I said. (speaking in my Spirit, answering the LORD).
"Old fruit isn't grabbed and consumed by your family is it?" the LORD asked.
Not waiting for my answer, the LORD JESUS continued, "Its because everyone knows in your family to expect new fruit, thus discarding the old".
"Its the same with revelation, I give 'fresh Manna' (which is MYSELF -JESUS), to your family everyday - and to all families that want it or desire it".

"I am beginning to see" I replied.

JESUS paused in my Spirit, and then continued "No one who tastes new bread, or new fruit wants the old, they are expecting tasty, fresh fruit. That is one of the keys to fellowship, where the brothers and sisters can share fresh fruit with each other. New revelation to be shared with each other. NO OLD FRUIT, NO OLD WINE, NO DEAD BRANCHES - NEW! NEW! Behold, I am doing a new thing says the LORD" (see Isaiah 42:9)

Luke 9:62 Jesus replied,"No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
So, that is the new wine, I received from the LORD this morning.
I leave this post, with some scriptures backing all this up.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

"From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you." Isaiah 48:6

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Little Things.

Ok, I admit it, I am a bit of a sports fan, and I can almost hear my wife cry out "Only A Bit"??

But when you watch sports, or taking a small shot at my wife, who likes to keep up on some of the 'entertainment world', particularly the 'stars' walking the red carpet.

Something the LORD has been teaching me, reached me.

You know the world, makes a big deal about these 'little things', such as movie stars and baseball.
For example, the catcher who works with the pitcher to get the batter out. Together they form what is called 'The Battery'. And, sports guys talk about the catchers, skill in 'calling a game', where the catcher suggests (using his fingers with sign language) to the pitcher, what pitch to make, to get the batter out.

They also talk about the catchers skill in blocking balls that are thrown, by the pitcher into the dirt; sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident.

These sports guys, and us sports fans, go on and on about these things. Like did you know that this particular catcher has a great throwing arm, he has thrown out 39% of the base runners that try to steal (a base) on him.

Or the famous walk of the 'red carpet', as the commentators rave about the dress, color, designer, flow, etc... It becomes BIG NEWS, and is all over the newspapers by the next day. Sometimes, it could be her dress and the cost, but also the necklace she is wearing or broach or even the hair do.

My point,(rather the LORDS point) are that these are really little things that the world makes BIG out of. They go on about it, they spend millions on these athletes and movie stars as the cameras click away. Writing pages and pages of expression and explanation.

JESUS turns things around a puts it this way: "for that which is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15

You see GOD notices and loves the little things that are matters of the heart.
Because the heart, is where everything gets its motivation. LOVE or a wrong heart
with lust, is simply desire or wrong desires.

What the LORD really notices and is touched by, are the little acts of LOVE, carelessly ignored by the world.

HE sees the child, who folds little hands to pray.
HE sees the twinkle of the eye, of Grandpa teasing Grandma.
HE sees the tireless work of Mother, preparing laundry and lunch 365 days a year.
HE sees the teenager, walk away from temptation, when it was pushing all the buttons.
HE sees the strong Dad, carry the little one all the way to bed, and tuck them in.
HE sees the little girl, for the first time putting on makeup, dreaming of the red carpet.
HE sees the litte boy, grabbing a glove and trying to make a catch thinking of the big leagues.

Its the 'heart' issues that are things JESUS notices.
HE noticed the old poor lady, putting her last few coins to give to the poor. Mark 12
HE noticed the faith of the disciple JESUS loved, and put him in care of his mother.
HE noticed the offering of 5 barley loaves & 2 fish of a small boy. John 6:9

HE always notices faith with love. Its all about, the little offered in love.
That is great faith. That is the act of GOD - everything else is commentary actually detestable.

Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please GOD. Hebrews 11:6

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter?? Really its a pagan name.

We as Christians really preach the crucifiction and resurrection of JESUS.

The term "Easter" is really pagan, and nothing to do with Christianity.

Paganism gave us the English word "Easter" which comes from the word " Eostre".
From this we get the term 'estrogen', from which we get all the ideas
of easter eggs, and bunnies and baby chicks.

This was named after the pagan god of 'fertility', and we get Easter.

But its not anything to do with all that junk!

Its all about HIM, the ONE who is the KING of Kings and Risen LORD.

And if Christ wasn't raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:14

It is all about JESUS coming back to life, (as death can not hold the
ONE who is LIFE).

Do you know that LIFE is a person - JESUS is LIFE!

And the resurrection proves that everything JESUS said, and did
is all true. HE didn't die like an ordianary man to be buried, but
JESUS said "No one takes it (HIS own LIFE) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again."
John 10:18

No man can say these words!

Everyone, needs to come to this time of passover and resurrection.

JESUS is our passover lamb, crucified for our well being, and by
HIS shed blood washing away every sin.

Now when that truth is received, and believed with humility HIS RESURRECTED
LIFE flows into us, and gives us a heart to believe in miracles and
see what HIS LOVE can do through us to a needy world around us.

Everyone - EVERYONE needs an encounter with the LIVING LORD.

Everyone needs HIS LOVE, HIS LIFE, HIS WISDOM, HIS JOY (thats unspeakable)!

What are you waiting for? How long do you want to live in fear and questions?

HE is the risen LORD, and wants to help you, deliver you and answer all
your questions!

Everyone, absolutely EVERYone needs JESUS!

Walking through the mall with my wife the other day, I saw this
poor easter bunny.

No little customers.
No happy faces.

Nothing but sitting around in boredom.

Where is the joy? Where is the victory?

I said to my wife, "I think even the easter bunny needs JESUS!"

Everyone needs HIS LIFE - abundant life - everyone needs JESUS!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2 Revelation Dreams (Part 1) - Dad's Dream - Rats & Garage.

Dad had a dream, where he was with (a friend) in a field with a rough gravel type old driveway to a garage. There wasn't really a house, just this garage with a closed garage door. Not dark yet.

The friend told Dad to be careful as there are rats in the garage. The friend excuses himself, telling Dad that he would be right back.

Dad carefully opens the door, and sees a garage virtually empty, and not deep enough to even park a car inside. He did see one dead rat, and then one scurrying around on the inside.

It (the rat) was trying to ignore Dad but Dad didn't trust it, and was keeping his focus on it. Somehow, Dad, through a little effort injures the rat on its side. The rat lunges and attaches itself to Dad's left arm. He tries to detach it from himself, and even tries using a stick to unpry it.

Not of course happy about a rat connected to him, but with a strange peace and confidence, he continued to un-hook the rodent. Finally the friend arrives, with the entire group of our fellowship, who fairly quickly detach the rat from Dad and killed it.

Dad awoke.

So, we asked the LORD, if there was something more to learn from it.

Here is what came to my spirit. Which is joined to the LORD, isn't that wonderful?

The LORD explains:

Field - journey, through wilderness into promised land (more of JESUS in life).

Garage - a place (any place, is ok to have fellowship with the SPIRIT and one another). The garage isn't even suitable for its proper use, but with ME it takes on Real LIFE (JESUS).

Rat - devourer, eats food, destroys the grain to make bread. Destroys the fresh bread of a revelation WORD glorifying JESUS. Takes away the Rhema word, the current word the LORD by HIS SPIRIT is speaking today.

One dead, one alive - they are crushed in the head, by the power of the SPIRIT in the unity (fellowship) of the saints.

Rat attack left arm - you were annointed on the head, the right shoulder (down the arm), and right toe. The annointing covers the entire you, but the enemy tries to attack in areas to make you think you are not covered (left arm). If the devil, can take your mind off JESUS and HIS full armour, that will disarm you and potentially destroy you.

Friend - Angels among you, don't at all be surprised, they constantly seek the face of the FATHER on your behalf.

Strike rat - war against principalities that insist on undermining and destroying the current WORD. Its a natural thing for saints to wage war against the enemy - natural, like a 'knee jerk' reaction.

Power - in the fellowship and prayer of unity easily crushes the enemy.

Don't give up, don't forsake the assemby, the unity, the fellowship of the brothers and sisters.

The victory and territory is yours (garage is yours). Pray together, pray in unity, pray confident, pray expecting victory, don't take no for an answer.

You are more than conquerers through ME who is LOVE and who continually loves you.


2 Revelation Dreams (part 2) - Katja's Dream - Dead Forest - Beach House

If you are reading this post first, please read, the other revelation dream from Dad first, then this one. It will make more sense if you do.

I had a amazing dream last night and I know that this is from the Lord and that He gives us it goes I was with our fellowship group in a dim, dead, void of colour forest. We were walking through it and I so distinctly remember seeing brown dead leaves all over the ground and all the trees were completely dead.

As we were walking through this forest we were scared, had the feeling that we were in despair.

Then all of a sudden we were walking into a huge beach house. This place was amazing, a big kitchen and lots of bedrooms.

I remember seeing a lot of double doors throughout the beach house and beautiful gauzy type curtains that blew in the warm winds. I went to the balcony of the house and saw the most incredible sight, a turquoise blue ocean. I remember seeing the posts that were in the ocean holding up the beach house. I also saw these lava rock formations in the water as I was looking over the balcony.

It was truly an amazing sight, it was like we were really there. We were so free there, so contented it was like heaven.

When I woke up I felt so encouraged so free.

The interpretation of the dream came to me as I was telling Eric about it.

The forest represents the frustrations, fears and the hardships in life (wilderness)as this is not how Jesus wants us to live, but we all go through it.

The beach house represents promised land. Jesus want us to live in total freedom, He brings us to the place of rest. We just need to take it in faith!

If you read Lauri (Eric's Dads dream first) then this one, you will see a progression. It is a walk through the wilderness, (our own flesh) into the promised land of JESUS. HIS Kingdom, in us, flowing through us all around us.

Let your will be done as it is in heaven.

Heaven is around us, and we can experience the heavenlies around us. Not wait for it, seize it, take it by force.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Had enough of the Christian Religion?

Christian Religion or JESUS only?

I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.

Ezekiel 34:16

Is this you?

Do you feel lost? Feel like you've strayed?

As a Christian, do you feel like there must be more? Lost in religious circles, jumping through all the hoops that your church or denomination puts on you.

The burden, the effort, the helplessness of all the need around you, as well as your own problems and nobody lifting a finger to help. No answers from ther place that is supposed to have answers - all you hear is silence.

Whether you have never heard too much about JESUS, or have been in church here and there before, you have come to the end of the line.

JESUS is looking for you, but HE is looking for the lost, those that have strayed. If you think, "I am good", "things are going well for me", then You will miss it, because JESUS is looking for the lost.

Friend, are you lost?

Church goer, are you busy "serving the LORD", but wonder where the LORD is? Because if this is serving, its not "Joy Unspeakable", the burden is supposed to be light, it is supposed to be easy!

HE is actively looking for you. The reality - what is real is CHRIST!

Had enough? JESUS is wanting to heal you, rescue you. Because HE loves you

Friday, April 1, 2011


The LORD woke me up to this little revelation, this morning. This is what I heard:

That which is born of flesh is flesh, but that which is born of SPIRIT is spirit. John 3:6

The SPIRIT gives birth to spirit.

When you were created, because that process begun before you were born, you were given a heart and breath spirit.

All through the holy scriptures, the word spirit actually means breath.

So you were born with heart and breath.

Nothing new there.

But when you are born again, or born from above, (see John 3:3) you are given a new heart, one that is capable to really love. And a new breath, as you receive the very life of GOD in you.

A life of grace and favor, a life that is able to receive, and then display and distribute the very life of GOD to a world around you!

The first breath and breathing you got when you were a new baby, gave you life to enjoy and receive, and take in the world around you. Similarily the breath you receive the second time, (Breath of GOD - SPIRIT) allows you to receive and take in the new Kingdom around us, the invisible yet greater world because its ruled by GOD. This kingdom of GOD is the Kingdom that created the world that you see. It is before all and is above all, and sets uts influence to every area it touches.

Dare ye enter?

Do you want this kingdom?

You need to be born again, to enter in. You need to be born from above to enter in.

Then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" Receive the HOLY BREATH!

The Breath of GOD! John 20:22