As much as we like our sports around here, we Love our GOD around here but there is much to be learned as the LORD by HIS SPIRIT teaches us on what we often call it the JESUS JOURNEY (actually that was the name the LORD, gave me a while ago).
But here is what I am getting at; (without mentioning names, because we are all guilty before GOD when we stand without HIS covering, 'Righteousness' by GRACE.)
A golf player admits to problems, a Halfpipe bronze medalist in the Olympics has to leave the Olympics because of some embarrassing photos.
Both well decorated in medals, worldly honor and sport victories but disgraced.
I am not going to talk about people doing bad things and point fingers (the devil does a good enough job beating everyone up) but rather point to JESUS.
Here is what JESUS said: "So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" Luke 16:11
We are reminded, of Esau, who couldn't care less of his 'birth right' and exchanged GOD's glory for worthless bowl of soup. See Jeremiah 2:11 and Romans 1:25
Note: the Birth Right represented 'JESUS'!
Yes, you might be saying, but how does that compare with these sports guys and their troubles?
Its all of us, it effects everyone.
How can we enjoy and participate in 'True Riches' when we don't handle worldly things properly?
Note: This is a great scripture that those money hungry tithe teachers throw at us to get us to give more but they can't be further from the truth!
Its not about giving more. Its about what do you love more?
or what loves you more? or who loves you more?
True Riches what are they? The better question is 'who' are they?
Riches don't necessarily mean money in the bank but an abundant life is a life walking with JESUS experiencing HIS love, hearing HIS voice and walking in HIS power.
Actually HIS abundant life or Kingdom is one of being blessed in every way. Not without our battles, or tough times, but with our GOD constantly delivering us, healing us, keeping us and providing for us!
True Riches - is JESUS and when you have HIM - you have all things, they are all yours in HIM. 1 CORINTHIANS 3:21—23
If you are foolish with the worlds values or other peoples things, then your attitude is wrong and how do you expect with that attitude to partake of GODLY riches, like the Fruit of the SPIRIT and the Gifts of the SPIRIT?
You see what is high valued among men is detestable in GOD's eyes and if you can't handle what GOD calls detestable (worldly things) properly, then how can you handle what is of real value? Luke 16:15
GOD loves you so much and HE is weeping over the state and shortness that we live in as we put our ideas and faith in things that HE says not to.
Not because "He wants it that way". NO and again NO!
Its because HE has a broken heart (sad heart) to see HIS kids live without HIS help, Provision.
You want to know what is GOD's wrath?
It is a loving Dad or Mother seeing her 2 year old take an end of a spoon and try to shove it in the electrical plug on the wall. Mother screams and dives for her little one pushing their little hands away with some force, knocking the spoon on to the floor. The little one, startled, starts to cry and Mother picks up her 'babe' and they hold each other as Mother whispers her thanks to "GOD" for protecting her little one.
That's Mothers Wrath!
That is what GOD wrath is like.
Not wishing any perish but all come to the truth. John 3:16-17 also 1 Timothy 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9