The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My 2 Same BirthDay Cards - and what I learned.

I have these 2 aunts...whom I love.

And as my birthday was just 2 days ago, (on Canadian Thanksgiving) I like many of you received birthday cards... some funny and cute and some more was a blessed time.
Here is what the LORD told me and showed me, after receiving the same card.

We've all had it happen...similar or same gift, same card, its bound to happen.

Here is what I learned: (how I got it).

Like people, Like cards, we tend to judge them by the cover.
We know we shouldn't do it, but we a book, like a birthday card.

But my birthday cards (both the same) had 2 different messages on the inside. Two different encouragements and wording for me, to me...of course they were from 2 different aunts.

Here is the trap: (and its not how we judge a book by its cover, that is a different lesson).
Rather its this; we judge the simple things too quickly and often dismiss them. Like seeing 2 birthday cards the same, and not soaking up the words they are telling us.

Here is how it works in real life...

We see our parents or our spouse tell us things, and because we know it, we've seen it all before, we dismiss them, and not open up (the card) to see, to hear, what the Spirit (what is written on the inside) is saying!

We rarely get to the truth, because we judged the card already...we miss the good stuff.
We let them 'talk' but we don't really listen.

GOD often sends us our answer, our word in need, but it is coming in the most common way - maybe out of the mouth of a friend, or a parent or your spouse.  It could be a stranger or a child, someone close by, someone you have lost your dazzle for, they no longer shine in your eyes, losing lustre because they are what you see and hear everyday - they are no longer special...they speak, and you are not getting at the heart anymore.

They couldn't get beyond JESUS commonness, to the real TRUTH (the real HIM) so they missed HIS message.

Careful who you dismiss, because that is NOT how you expected the LORD to speak to you, or aid you!

Sometimes its your co-worker, or your child, or even your pet - trying to teach you something out of the hand of GOD.  But you aren't receiving, because your answer has to come from some other source, like your doctor or pastor or a vision - missing your opportunity for growth, for advancement.

Cards may be the same - but the written words inside are not.
They may be common - but the deep word inside speaks volumes.

My servant grew up in the LORD's presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him. Isaiah 53:2

Heart Failure - why do we have it?

Luke 21:26

JESUS put it this way, (and this is the way HE showed me, one morning).

Ever heard of "heart failure"?

Who hasn't been hurt in their lives because of heart failure lurking and striking family members?

We've been studying in our Home Fellowship lately about how 'fear and anger' are the actual roots of every disease and disaster in the world, and in our lives.

Here is one of the biggest - Heart Failure.

So, where does it come from? Why do some of us have it?
Is it diet? Is it exercise (or the lack of it, or too much of it?).
Is it our heredity?

That all may give us clues, but JESUS already told us.
Man and medicine can only go so far - to the body, or the mind, but never get to the Spirit of /in a man.

Luke 21:26 JESUS told us plainly..."Men's heart fail them out of fear".
Where does 'Heart Failure' come from?


Fear causes 'heart failure'.

So, if JESUS gave us the warning and the trouble, did HE give us the answer too?

JESUS HIMSELF is our answer! You already know the answer!

Here it is:

"HIS perfect (complete) LOVE casts out all fear." 1 John 4:8

Start trusting HIS LOVE for you, and as you enter the Kingdom of LOVE, that fear will be gone.
You can live your life, without fear.  It is a lie,  it is "False Expectation Appearing Real"

Rest in HIS LOVE, no matter what life throws at you.