I myself like you. love my bible(s)
The Word of God is NOT the bible - its a person, its Jesus!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
We worship Jesus not a book.
Now should you read your bible?
Rather look at it this way... you "get to"
you don't "have to".
We want to know about who GOD is and how this amazing miracle life works and
we get to (if we want) to; in so reading the bible to get an idea of what its all about.
To get to know this Kingdom that is INside us! and we are in that Kingdom - right now!
Years ago a Christian family in China was suffering underground-house-church, because the communist Chinese government was persecuting the Christians.
This family had one bible and it was hand printed over the years, rather hand-copied over the years as bibles were against the law.
So with a hand copied bible this became a treasured possession for the family.
One day the secret police knocked down their door and accused the family of following God/being Christian. They roughed up the Dad and found their hidden bible.
The children and Mom cried and begged them to leave the bible alone and not break it.
The police lit that thick many pages of handwritten scriptures on fire and burned it on the floor of their small room and when it was burned enough, threatened the family and walked out.
The children and Mother ran to the smoldering ashes and tried to salvage what they could but as they grabbed the frail pieces they disintegrated in their hands.
When the children saw that they ran to a beat up Dad and asked "what do we do? Our only family bible that took years to hand copy is gone!"
The Father smiled and said "that it hurts but its okay because they can't take Jesus from us because HE is inside us, and HE knows HIS Word because HE is the Word".
You have GOD in you in the Person of the HOLY SPIRIT who will lead you in to all truth.John 16:13