All lying just like all anger isn't sin.
There were and are times both in the Bible and
probably in our own lives where its not a sin!
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the standard or benchmark.
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that most of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or make me look better. it defends the sin nature (the "I") in me.
Which is the nature of Satan.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie (if I can put it that way) must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Friday, March 19, 2010
Question: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
why God created 'tree of the knowledge'
If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.
I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?
The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.
But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.
Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them
If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.
I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?
The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.
But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.
Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them
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