The more you understand that everything (every prayer answer, every gift, every favour) is all done by Grace which means it has nothing to do with your own effort or ability!
GRACE is undeserved, unmerited favour!
If you say "I gave $30 to the church (building) in a offering (tithe) and the next day my boss called me in and gave me a raise! Boy it was a good thing I gave yesterday!
Because GOD wont take 2nd place to your own flesh and pride!
HIS gifts are HIS gifts - in fact the scripture says 'every good and perfect gift comes from the FATHER above. James 1:17
So, if something good comes your way did you know that GOOD is GOD? (GOD is GOOD)
(GOD is LOVE) etc.. that good is favour from FATHER and had nothing to do with your own merit or behaviour. If it did, then you could brag/boast or 'glory' in it because you did it (without GOD).
HE (GOD) doesn't share HIS GLORY with anyone but you can share 'in' HIS GLORY. You can praise and really glory means 'boast'. You can boast in HIM for what HE does!
More on GRACE soon and More On Glory soon!
After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Friday, January 22, 2010
Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit
When you are walking with JESUS and believing HIS LIFE is really your life
(its a shared life you and HIM - kind of like a marriage).
Then as you let HIM control you (putting to death sinful passions because you can say 'NO' to them) and as you do, HIS LIFE comes more to you.
Your life (which is HIS life in you) will start to produce 'Fruit of the Spirit'
read Galatians particularily the end of the book for more info.
But they are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Meekness, Faith, Gentleness, and Self Control. These are all JESUS qualities.
Kind of like telling your children to be careful who they pick as friends and who they hang around with, because they will start to act and become like them. Or, like a marriage after time, you kind of become a little like each other. Well, its the same with JESUS, as you spend time with HIM and talk with HIM and give HIM the time and expect HIM to talk with you, then you become more like HIM!
JESUS said that we were basically branches and HE was the Trunk or Vine and the FATHER was the gardener. The branch produces fruit (without trying) just by being connected with the trunk or vine. Read John 15 for more info on it.
But if the branch comes away from the trunk it is useless. And really only good for the fire.
Now how a tree is judged (how do you know if an apple tree is a apple tree)? You look at the fruit! And how do you know if its a good apple tree (again you look at the fruit). If the fruit is old and sickly with worms then its probably not good.
JESUS said you can easily judge correctly just by looking at the fruit. Notice we are not talking about un-just judgements but what JESUS teaches. Anything coming out of a persons mouth is coming out of their heart.
Out of the abundance of the mouth, the heart speaks.
Ever notice the guy that talks all about his sports team or new car but never about his family or children? He loves his sports more than his family. Because you are only going to talk about your loves.
Incidently you are judged by GOD in the end, by your own words. Read what JESUS says here:
Matthew 12:37
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Now, Gifts of the Spirit are in full operation and GOD like any loving FATHER loves to give gifts. But HIS gifts are always for the common good, they are not selfishly used on ourselves - Love is always 'others focused'.
We are not judged on gifts but fruit.
Both are a work of HIS GRACE, nothing you can do to earn a gift you don't earn gifts. The same as fruit, the fruit does nothing to make itself grow - it just grows as GOD makes it grow!
More comming on the Gifts and Fruit later...
(its a shared life you and HIM - kind of like a marriage).
Then as you let HIM control you (putting to death sinful passions because you can say 'NO' to them) and as you do, HIS LIFE comes more to you.
Your life (which is HIS life in you) will start to produce 'Fruit of the Spirit'
read Galatians particularily the end of the book for more info.
But they are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Meekness, Faith, Gentleness, and Self Control. These are all JESUS qualities.
Kind of like telling your children to be careful who they pick as friends and who they hang around with, because they will start to act and become like them. Or, like a marriage after time, you kind of become a little like each other. Well, its the same with JESUS, as you spend time with HIM and talk with HIM and give HIM the time and expect HIM to talk with you, then you become more like HIM!
JESUS said that we were basically branches and HE was the Trunk or Vine and the FATHER was the gardener. The branch produces fruit (without trying) just by being connected with the trunk or vine. Read John 15 for more info on it.
But if the branch comes away from the trunk it is useless. And really only good for the fire.
Now how a tree is judged (how do you know if an apple tree is a apple tree)? You look at the fruit! And how do you know if its a good apple tree (again you look at the fruit). If the fruit is old and sickly with worms then its probably not good.
JESUS said you can easily judge correctly just by looking at the fruit. Notice we are not talking about un-just judgements but what JESUS teaches. Anything coming out of a persons mouth is coming out of their heart.
Out of the abundance of the mouth, the heart speaks.
Ever notice the guy that talks all about his sports team or new car but never about his family or children? He loves his sports more than his family. Because you are only going to talk about your loves.
Incidently you are judged by GOD in the end, by your own words. Read what JESUS says here:
Matthew 12:37
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Now, Gifts of the Spirit are in full operation and GOD like any loving FATHER loves to give gifts. But HIS gifts are always for the common good, they are not selfishly used on ourselves - Love is always 'others focused'.
We are not judged on gifts but fruit.
Both are a work of HIS GRACE, nothing you can do to earn a gift you don't earn gifts. The same as fruit, the fruit does nothing to make itself grow - it just grows as GOD makes it grow!
More comming on the Gifts and Fruit later...
Do you want the facts? or the TRUTH?
Sometimes we get scared or worried thinking that the present (bad or worrisome) situation is never going to change.
We fear...'is it always going to be like this?
'I won't get out of this, I probably deserve it.
'I might not make it'
Or sometimes its so bad, words can't express - only tears!
We might think "where is GOD in all this"?
Doesn't HE care? (If HE is even real).
We may be struggling with a disease, or a family problem, marriage difficulty, job setback or worse.
But there is a huge difference between 'Facts' and 'TRUTH'.
As I look out my window (its a cold January day) the facts may be this:
Fact 1) its cold outside.
Fact 2) need to wear my hat and gloves on a day like today because of the wind.
Fact 3) because its below freezing, there might be some ice when walking or driving.
Ok, these are some of the facts and there is no denying it.
But if I know that as sure as these facts are real, they must give way to spring then I can 'rest' and 'trust the TRUTH'. And by faith (see ahead) to spring.
The facts are real but the TRUTH is that there is a law of seasons, (in the Bible it is called springtime and harvest). As sure as winter is a fact the truth is these facts will change to the ABSOLUTE!
Pilate asked JESUS
"What is truth?" John 18:38
What a question - JESUS at this time doesn't answer but did tell us the answer a little earlier when HE said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE".
The right WAY - is a person
The absolute TRUTH - is a person
The abundant LIFE - is a person
It is not found in a theory, or a test tube but in the person of the LORD JESUS HIMSELF!
Ok, so how does this work in getting prayers answered, and getting out of the mess I am in?
Are you ready to see some miracles in your life? Can you believe this so far?
One hand impossible and the other hand easy.
When I say impossible, is because you have to give up the fact that you are 'powerless' to change it. (you can't make it spring in January no matter how hard you try).
But if you know what GOD is like, the same GOD who created the law of seasons also created other laws that if you only knew about them, you could believe them.
When I say laws, we get confused. Law only means unbending, fixed.
Like the law of gravity - it is fixed, it doesn't change.
The Bible also talks about the law of 'sin and death' again fixed, unbending, we all sin and we are all going to die.
But every command of GOD and promise is a law in the fact that they are all fixed in HIM. They don't change but if you don't know about them then the opposite of the laws will effect you.
If you don't know about gravity and decide to jump off your stairs you will fall.
JESUS said it this way: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY WORDS, will never pass away." Matthew 24:35
Notice its not Truth that will set you free its only in
"Knowing the TRUTH that will set you free. " John 8:32
Knowing what JESUS is like (HIS nature, character) and what HE says (John 17:17) will set you free!
Ok, so we have to know what HE said and what HE is like to use HIS Authority in prayer. When we hear people pray in 'JESUS name', it really is used wrong because what it really means is to pray in HIS Nature (pray what HE is like, and what HE wants.)
Like a child needing something from Dad or Mom, must ask properly to get their request answered. They have to ask something 'in line' with what Mom and Dad would want or what they have as desires. It has to be beneficial and good. The boy couldn't ask for something that would hurt his sibling for example. He could ask for any need and get answered but if the boy asks for something selfish probably not.
JESUS put it this way: "if you fathers who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly FATHER give good gifts, to those who ask!" Matthew 7:11
Do you think for a moment that you could ask your parents or someone who loves you for advise, or help and they would ignore you? Do you think for a second that the GOD of love, would ignore your request for help, healing, deliverance, provision?
He who planted the ear, does He not hear?
He who formed the eye, does He not see? Psalm 94:9
'if you ask HIM anything according to HIS will HE hears you and if HE hears you then you know you have the petition granted' 1 John 5:13-15
Now its fairly easy to know what GOD is like because HE is love and HE hates evil and loves good because HE is good! see 1 John 4:8 also Deuteronomy 7:9
Psalm 143:10
Mark 10:18
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone.
GOOD is a person too!
Like the winter day, if you know the truth that this cold weather will be forced to change in spring in a few months then the facts will change to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (which GOD commanded at creation - the seasons and such).
It is the same way with your prayers, if you ask GOD to deliver you and you are asking something that is good, lovely, pure, honest then believe HE heard you and watch your circumstances change (the facts change) as ABSOLUTE TRUTH, makes the facts bow and change comes.
Once you pray, speak to your problem and tell it to go and not come back.
Believe and watch GOD work for you.
Does it take time?
It might just believe it all depends how close to spring you are!
We fear...'is it always going to be like this?
'I won't get out of this, I probably deserve it.
'I might not make it'
Or sometimes its so bad, words can't express - only tears!
We might think "where is GOD in all this"?
Doesn't HE care? (If HE is even real).
We may be struggling with a disease, or a family problem, marriage difficulty, job setback or worse.
But there is a huge difference between 'Facts' and 'TRUTH'.
As I look out my window (its a cold January day) the facts may be this:
Fact 1) its cold outside.
Fact 2) need to wear my hat and gloves on a day like today because of the wind.
Fact 3) because its below freezing, there might be some ice when walking or driving.
Ok, these are some of the facts and there is no denying it.
But if I know that as sure as these facts are real, they must give way to spring then I can 'rest' and 'trust the TRUTH'. And by faith (see ahead) to spring.
The facts are real but the TRUTH is that there is a law of seasons, (in the Bible it is called springtime and harvest). As sure as winter is a fact the truth is these facts will change to the ABSOLUTE!
Pilate asked JESUS
"What is truth?" John 18:38
What a question - JESUS at this time doesn't answer but did tell us the answer a little earlier when HE said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE".
The right WAY - is a person
The absolute TRUTH - is a person
The abundant LIFE - is a person
It is not found in a theory, or a test tube but in the person of the LORD JESUS HIMSELF!
Ok, so how does this work in getting prayers answered, and getting out of the mess I am in?
Are you ready to see some miracles in your life? Can you believe this so far?
One hand impossible and the other hand easy.
When I say impossible, is because you have to give up the fact that you are 'powerless' to change it. (you can't make it spring in January no matter how hard you try).
But if you know what GOD is like, the same GOD who created the law of seasons also created other laws that if you only knew about them, you could believe them.
When I say laws, we get confused. Law only means unbending, fixed.
Like the law of gravity - it is fixed, it doesn't change.
The Bible also talks about the law of 'sin and death' again fixed, unbending, we all sin and we are all going to die.
But every command of GOD and promise is a law in the fact that they are all fixed in HIM. They don't change but if you don't know about them then the opposite of the laws will effect you.
If you don't know about gravity and decide to jump off your stairs you will fall.
JESUS said it this way: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY WORDS, will never pass away." Matthew 24:35
Notice its not Truth that will set you free its only in
"Knowing the TRUTH that will set you free. " John 8:32
Knowing what JESUS is like (HIS nature, character) and what HE says (John 17:17) will set you free!
Ok, so we have to know what HE said and what HE is like to use HIS Authority in prayer. When we hear people pray in 'JESUS name', it really is used wrong because what it really means is to pray in HIS Nature (pray what HE is like, and what HE wants.)
Like a child needing something from Dad or Mom, must ask properly to get their request answered. They have to ask something 'in line' with what Mom and Dad would want or what they have as desires. It has to be beneficial and good. The boy couldn't ask for something that would hurt his sibling for example. He could ask for any need and get answered but if the boy asks for something selfish probably not.
JESUS put it this way: "if you fathers who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly FATHER give good gifts, to those who ask!" Matthew 7:11
Do you think for a moment that you could ask your parents or someone who loves you for advise, or help and they would ignore you? Do you think for a second that the GOD of love, would ignore your request for help, healing, deliverance, provision?
He who planted the ear, does He not hear?
He who formed the eye, does He not see? Psalm 94:9
'if you ask HIM anything according to HIS will HE hears you and if HE hears you then you know you have the petition granted' 1 John 5:13-15
Now its fairly easy to know what GOD is like because HE is love and HE hates evil and loves good because HE is good! see 1 John 4:8 also Deuteronomy 7:9
Psalm 143:10
Mark 10:18
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone.
GOOD is a person too!
Like the winter day, if you know the truth that this cold weather will be forced to change in spring in a few months then the facts will change to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (which GOD commanded at creation - the seasons and such).
It is the same way with your prayers, if you ask GOD to deliver you and you are asking something that is good, lovely, pure, honest then believe HE heard you and watch your circumstances change (the facts change) as ABSOLUTE TRUTH, makes the facts bow and change comes.
Once you pray, speak to your problem and tell it to go and not come back.
Believe and watch GOD work for you.
Does it take time?
It might just believe it all depends how close to spring you are!
Challenge Your Own Thoughts
There is nothing wrong with challenging your thoughts.
And ask, why do I believe what I believe.
Why do I do, what I do?
Does my life measure up - is it my life or someone else's?
Ask Holy Spirit to reveal JESUS to you and expect HIM
to teach you - I guarantee HE will.
Because you want to - Its a desire (love) in the real /new you.
(And HE wants to as well).
All the mysteries and knowledge are all in HIM - they are all about JESUS.
see: Colossians 1:26-27
HE will lead you into all truth (TRUTH is a person again) John 14:6 and 26
For example the devil has no-truth in himself (father of lies) cant have truth (JESUS) John 8:44 its imposible.
JESUS said: (John 5:38-40)
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
If you are in JESUS then you already have what you are praying and waiting for just can't see it all yet. Ephesians 1:3
Only Believe
HE is the "I AM"
-what do you think that means?
And ask, why do I believe what I believe.
Why do I do, what I do?
Does my life measure up - is it my life or someone else's?
Ask Holy Spirit to reveal JESUS to you and expect HIM
to teach you - I guarantee HE will.
Because you want to - Its a desire (love) in the real /new you.
(And HE wants to as well).
All the mysteries and knowledge are all in HIM - they are all about JESUS.
see: Colossians 1:26-27
HE will lead you into all truth (TRUTH is a person again) John 14:6 and 26
For example the devil has no-truth in himself (father of lies) cant have truth (JESUS) John 8:44 its imposible.
JESUS said: (John 5:38-40)
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
If you are in JESUS then you already have what you are praying and waiting for just can't see it all yet. Ephesians 1:3
Only Believe
HE is the "I AM"
-what do you think that means?
The sin nature is the problem - LOVE is the answer!
If sin is the problem (its actually our sin nature that is the problem) but LOVE is the answer...
Ok, so if we agree that LOVE is the key. (it is in fact the only key) and the highest command, there is nothing higher or more powerful and we are told (1 Corinthians 13:8) that it 'never fails'.
They asked JESUS what the greatest command was in Matthew 22:36-40. HE told them that everything 'hung' on this love!... See More
Love is the answer, because which law would I break if I loved you?
what wrong would I do if I loved you?
would I hurt you if I loved you?
would I take from you, exploit and manipulate you if I loved you?
would I speak hurtful things behind your back if I loved you?
would I hold grudges and unforgiveness if I loved you?
Because JESUS doesn't treat us like that.
wouldn't I share with you, give to you?
wouldn't I give you advise and help based only on what is best for you!
wouldn't I speak well of you and encourage you?
wouldn't I always forgive and - not keep track of wrongs?
You can't say 'you love GOD and hurt your fellow man' because if you love GOD you wouldn't hurt others. 1 John 4:20 and if you love others (doing good to others) then you are loving GOD as well. Matthew 25:40
Conversely if you hurt his kids, then you are hurting GOD too. Acts 9:4, Acts 26:14 also Luke 17:2
Aren't we all made in HIS image?
Love is always kind and always knows what to do.
We tell our boys, that if they are in a situation and don't know what to do then, choose love.
But here is the HUGE problem...
your love and my 'love' is no good.
For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out Romans 7:18
Every religion of the world teaches to do good.
They all agree not to hurt your fellow man, not to steal and not to lie for example.
Anybody with 1/2 a brain would want a world of good but never realizes that they are powerless to make any lasting change.
So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. Romans 7:21
Now a law is fixed, unbending and forever established.
The second problem is that we can't even love our neighbours let alone our enemies. The standard remember is GOD's standard (not our own) and HIS standard is to love our enemies
not just those that love us because even 'bad guys' do that!
He lets the rain fall on the just and the unjust -Matthew 5:45
So we remember that love has to be like GOD (because GOD is love) that is why HE said that
we should turn the other cheek and pray for those that hurt us and use us.
Did JESUS turn the other cheek when punched? Did HE not pray for those killing HIM?
see Matthew 27:27-31 especially vs 30 also see Luke 6:28 & Matthew 5:43-45
JESUS did that on the cross (Luke 23:34) and Stephen also learned how to have the same love (Acts 7:54-60 especially vs 60)
If its based on my love, then I fail because my love is flawed and selfish.
If its based on me then I must 'save' myself - I must remedy the situation - I must be good.
Sorry - love is a person so is good (Luke 18:19) also and so is evil (Matthew 12:34)
(they are not character traits they are persons).
If we are honest, we come to the conclusion that - I can't do this...I am not that loving - I (in and of myself) is no good.
But if I live my life based on me trying to do good, trying to love, then CHRIST died for nothing! Galatians 2:21
You don't need HIM - you can do it yourself.
So, if you agree that LOVE is the supreme and highest order, then the next question
is how do I achieve it? Is it based on me and what I should do, or some other love?
How was JESUS like this? How was Stephen like this?
If love is the answer, the goal, how do we attain it?
Ok, so if we agree that LOVE is the key. (it is in fact the only key) and the highest command, there is nothing higher or more powerful and we are told (1 Corinthians 13:8) that it 'never fails'.
They asked JESUS what the greatest command was in Matthew 22:36-40. HE told them that everything 'hung' on this love!... See More
Love is the answer, because which law would I break if I loved you?
what wrong would I do if I loved you?
would I hurt you if I loved you?
would I take from you, exploit and manipulate you if I loved you?
would I speak hurtful things behind your back if I loved you?
would I hold grudges and unforgiveness if I loved you?
Because JESUS doesn't treat us like that.
wouldn't I share with you, give to you?
wouldn't I give you advise and help based only on what is best for you!
wouldn't I speak well of you and encourage you?
wouldn't I always forgive and - not keep track of wrongs?
You can't say 'you love GOD and hurt your fellow man' because if you love GOD you wouldn't hurt others. 1 John 4:20 and if you love others (doing good to others) then you are loving GOD as well. Matthew 25:40
Conversely if you hurt his kids, then you are hurting GOD too. Acts 9:4, Acts 26:14 also Luke 17:2
Aren't we all made in HIS image?
Love is always kind and always knows what to do.
We tell our boys, that if they are in a situation and don't know what to do then, choose love.
But here is the HUGE problem...
your love and my 'love' is no good.
For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out Romans 7:18
Every religion of the world teaches to do good.
They all agree not to hurt your fellow man, not to steal and not to lie for example.
Anybody with 1/2 a brain would want a world of good but never realizes that they are powerless to make any lasting change.
So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. Romans 7:21
Now a law is fixed, unbending and forever established.
The second problem is that we can't even love our neighbours let alone our enemies. The standard remember is GOD's standard (not our own) and HIS standard is to love our enemies
not just those that love us because even 'bad guys' do that!
He lets the rain fall on the just and the unjust -Matthew 5:45
So we remember that love has to be like GOD (because GOD is love) that is why HE said that
we should turn the other cheek and pray for those that hurt us and use us.
Did JESUS turn the other cheek when punched? Did HE not pray for those killing HIM?
see Matthew 27:27-31 especially vs 30 also see Luke 6:28 & Matthew 5:43-45
JESUS did that on the cross (Luke 23:34) and Stephen also learned how to have the same love (Acts 7:54-60 especially vs 60)
If its based on my love, then I fail because my love is flawed and selfish.
If its based on me then I must 'save' myself - I must remedy the situation - I must be good.
Sorry - love is a person so is good (Luke 18:19) also and so is evil (Matthew 12:34)
(they are not character traits they are persons).
If we are honest, we come to the conclusion that - I can't do this...I am not that loving - I (in and of myself) is no good.
But if I live my life based on me trying to do good, trying to love, then CHRIST died for nothing! Galatians 2:21
You don't need HIM - you can do it yourself.
So, if you agree that LOVE is the supreme and highest order, then the next question
is how do I achieve it? Is it based on me and what I should do, or some other love?
How was JESUS like this? How was Stephen like this?
If love is the answer, the goal, how do we attain it?
Is man pursuing God, or is God pursuing man? Because 1 is religion the other is Grace!
The old song asked the question: "I want to know what love is".
Maybe its the wrong question, and rather should be:
"I want to know WHO LOVE is"
Its all about HIS love! "We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19...
JESUS came and loved us (and still loves us more than anything) when we were still sinners even! Rom 5:8
Here's the deal, when you realize how much HE loves you , and that every sin (past, present and future) is already pardoned, and that HE calls you 'righteous' Rom 9:30 so much righteous its like in HIS eyes, you've never sinned! (that is what justification means Rom 5:16-18) - then your automatic response is to love HIM back. (when you rest in HIS love you will hardly sin).
When a child is loved by mother, it doesn't 'have to' love back it simply wants to! Love is always about 'others' (its outward) if its inward then love becomes lust. Love always wants what is best for the other person (never for itself).
Now love is a person; "GOD is love" 1 John 4:8, and HE only wants what is 'best for you'. HE thinks everything good about you (Psalm 139: 17-18), that you are already HIS forever, and that you are beautiful in HIS sight. A loving mother wouldn't say to their child 'one day you will be beautiful' but rather says 'you are already very beautiful!' (to our boys we say - 'you are precious, much loved and very handsome boys).
Want some more fuel for the fire?
Here it is in a nut-shell: "Love and do whatever you want". Augustine said it and I believe it.
Maybe its the wrong question, and rather should be:
"I want to know WHO LOVE is"
Its all about HIS love! "We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19...
JESUS came and loved us (and still loves us more than anything) when we were still sinners even! Rom 5:8
Here's the deal, when you realize how much HE loves you , and that every sin (past, present and future) is already pardoned, and that HE calls you 'righteous' Rom 9:30 so much righteous its like in HIS eyes, you've never sinned! (that is what justification means Rom 5:16-18) - then your automatic response is to love HIM back. (when you rest in HIS love you will hardly sin).
When a child is loved by mother, it doesn't 'have to' love back it simply wants to! Love is always about 'others' (its outward) if its inward then love becomes lust. Love always wants what is best for the other person (never for itself).
Now love is a person; "GOD is love" 1 John 4:8, and HE only wants what is 'best for you'. HE thinks everything good about you (Psalm 139: 17-18), that you are already HIS forever, and that you are beautiful in HIS sight. A loving mother wouldn't say to their child 'one day you will be beautiful' but rather says 'you are already very beautiful!' (to our boys we say - 'you are precious, much loved and very handsome boys).
Want some more fuel for the fire?
Here it is in a nut-shell: "Love and do whatever you want". Augustine said it and I believe it.
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