The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Friday, June 10, 2011

Loving Souls or Loving People? Its all the same - right?

The other day, I was reading (one of my favourite authors) and what he said, changed my thinking.

You know its a good thing to challenge your thinking, because most of your thoughts are probably not right. It seems that we have many thoughts that we've simply accepted over time, that don't line up with TRUTH.

TRUTH is a person.

JESUS is TRUTH! John 14:6

But here is basically what Norman Grubb said: 'that we are too busy loving souls and not loving persons. '

Many church buildings and christian institutions are trying (by keeping numbers) how many souls saved, how many have been counted in the kingdom. And missing the bigger picture!

When we do that, (which isn't GOD 'S way), we lose sight of the fact that we are in the business of LOVE. And these are people, who are desperate for LOVE, desperate for HIM. They, like JESUS said; 'Are sheep without a shepherd'. Mark 6:34

GOD warned King David not to count (census) his people. 2nd Samuel 24

You see the world already does this, they have their customers in many cases as numbers, not treating people as customers, or real people. Reducing us to often just numbers.

After all its simply a numbers game. Right?

Governments do as well, counting their army size.

And the Institutional Church often falls into the same trap.

The sin is two fold:

  1. We are 'counting souls' and not 'loving people'. No one can do both!

  2. Then we put confidence in our numbers and not our GOD.

    This is what the LORD says: "Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5

You take the compassion and love and humanity and throw it out the window.

JESUS who is LOVE, and showed us LOVE told us to give our LOVE away to a world
dying for it, who are trying to 'fill in' the emptiness, with sex, money, booze, drugs, fame, power and things, which don't fulfill us. Its only the LOVE of JESUS which can satisfy.

Friend, are you ready to have JESUS fill you with LOVE - with HIMSELF?
Church, are you ready to simply 'love people'? To be like your FATHER who simply 'loved the world' that HE gave?


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Home Fellowship, House Party, Simple Church, Organic Church

GOD is doing a super new thing... And its OUT with the OLD and...

IN with the NEW...
And really, its not a New Thing (although new to us) its the original plan, HE is building HIS Church, just like HE promised. See Matthew 16:18
This is how it was revealed to me...
The LORD (a few years ago), told me to "leave the church".
I was getting ready one Sunday morning when I heard HIM speak. Shocked and not knowing what to do, I asked the LORD "where do you want me to go?"

No answer from on HIGH - yet...

After some time, I was amazed to hear my wife heard the same message and with that confirmation we started on a JESUS Journey that grows and grows.

It was when we were obedient to HIS last word, which was to leave, when we got HIS next word, which was to 'be the Church'. That was another eye opener, and took time to understand, and even after many years here, I still am learning by HIS SPIRIT.

So as many of you already know, GOD by HIS SPIRIT led us into what many call "House Church".

Otherwise known as 'Simple Church' or 'Organic Church' we call it often 'Home Fellowship' or when we get real excited in the things of the LORD might call it 'House Party'.

But to make your 'House Church' grow and have life in it, you have to get rid of all your Christian Religious Views and what JESUS called 'Traditions of Men'. Because either it will be your way (which is simply man's way) or it will be JESUS way, and you won't have control as the control belongs to HIM.

Our fellowships have anywhere from 20 to 35 at a time and they last for 10 to 15 hours on average. We always do some fun things like sports or games, then eat which is real important to true fellowship and discussing and talking with one another. You cant hope to 'carry one anothers burdens', if you dont' know them.

Then as the SPIRIT leads, we have a time of worship, or prayer, or opening the word where we are banking on the fact that the SPIRIT will lead us, and teach us all things - showing us more of JESUS.

As this happens, you are getting closer and closer to what the early church and apostles did.
But if you don't really understand GRACE yet, and HIS un-conditional love, then you are under legalism and a trap of the enemy. This will keep you from the freedom you are supposed to have.

The message is GRACE, the conduit is the Fellowship of Believers with the SPIRIT!

Anyway, to get a real good perspective in a global way, what JESUS is doing to liberate HIS people and build up this HUGE group of saints to 'real church', then watch this neat video explaining what is happening globaly in the "House Church" movement - you will be amazed.

For Freedom!

It was for freedom that CHRIST has set us Free! Galatians 5:1

Watch this 'cutting edge' video (about 30 minutes) of what the SPIRIT is doing around the world building Home Churches. See the video here:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can your Christian Life be Wonderful?

But the angel of the LORD said to him, "Why do you ask my name, seeing it is wonderful?" Judges 13:8
If you were anything like me, you might recall as a child, the excitement and wonder of Christmas, or summer holidays. It was an exciting time, everyday filled with joy and hope. You might have dreamt about it, certainly talked about it and lived with the anticipation of the time finally arriving that almost made your heart explode with gratitude!
Or, as the years went by, it might be your first date, or starting to spend time with a special person, that makes you burst, counting the days, for your next big date. Everything in life was perfect, and full of wonder and excitement.
Later in life, it might be a new job, or a new house or finding some new income stream that gets you going. You can't help to think about it - and dream. You discuss it with everyone you know, and can't wait for the next day, because you are living the excitement and each day just keeps getting better.

Well that is exactly how your life in CHRIST will become (if you believe enough and will it).

When the LORD appeared to Samson's family, (in the book of Judges) they wanted to know the LORD's name. Now I know that some translations show it was 'the Angel of the LORD', but that is the LORD JESUS himself visiting them.

So, the family asks the name and the answer is that HIS name is full of Wonder.

You know, when you are going on your first dates, with someone who has 'smitten you'. You can't talk enough and think enough about them.

Out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks. Luke 6:45 This applies to both 'good' or 'evil'.

We always talk about what we love. For some of us, this alone should bring about some deep thinking and heart searching.

But when the LOVE of the LORD JESUS, overtakes you, you see HIM everywhere, you see perfect everywhere because HE is in everyone, and HE is everywhere. And then when you see HIM answer prayer, and speak to lead you into TRUTH (more of HIMSELF, because TRUTH is a person) John 14:6 you get so excited, that you have to talk about HIM to everyone.

  • Compelled by LOVE as Paul writes. 2 Corinthians 5:14

  • Everyday is JOY

  • Each new month is a celebration of LIFE into MORE LIFE - abundant LIFE as JESUS said. John 10:10

If its not growing like this, then you are looking at things from your own point of view. Wait on the LORD, let HIM lead you and speak to you.
Because when HE does - its wonderful.
But the angel does not say it was secret, but hoo pailee, `it is wonderful;' the very character given to the Messiah: ` His name shall be called pailai. Wonderful,' Isa 9:6 taken from (a great Bible website with original greek as well).

So, GOD gives a command in the OT (Deuteronomy 11:18-21)

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land ...

You can EASILY do this, when you find the LORD to be your delight. When you see HIM as your actual SOURCE for everything you need.

You will always talk about what you LOVE!

And what you LOVE will always excite you!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Warning Dreams and the Discernment.

Over the years the LORD has started to teach me part of the prophetic, and dream interpretation. (which is part of the prophetic gifts).
I am a work in progress, and without the LORD who is WISDOM, I have nothing, I am nothing.

1 Corinthians 1:24

Want wisdom?
Want true power?

You need the ANOINTING - you need HIM! (and it comes only by HIS GRACE).

Ok, where does that leave us with Warning Dreams?

A few months ago, my wife had a dream warning her not to take a particular job offer.
How did we discern it? How did we know? (we didn't take the job, and we are glad now).
In the same way, when we get nightmares, or seemingly dark or warning dreams, how do we discern them or understand them? Are they all warnings? Or was it too much spicy dinner from the night before?

First off, to understand dreams properly, you need a full reality check in your understanding and experiencing HIS GRACE. Because HIS anointing teaches us ALL THINGS! 1 John 2:27

As you let go of religion, yes even Christian religion and church attending, and sit at DAD'S feet
and learn directly from the source, you wont get too far along. Because HE (HOLY SPIRIT) will
start to take away the garbage of christianity or churchianity and give you 100% JESUS.
Pure JESUS without contamination or anything added.
Because if you add anything to perfection, you pollute it - you contaminate it!

Ok, so lets talk dreams.

The LORD spoke to me today saying: "When you get a true warning dream from ME, it
will come in 2 ways".

"First, there is the warning dream about NOT doing something or going somewhere that you have been praying about. Asking should I do this, or should I not, should I go here, or should I not".

"These dreams, that are answers to your query about going, or doing, will come as an encouragement to 'go ahead', or a encouragement as a warning 'not to go ahead'. The warning dream, will make you thoroughly NOT want to go ahead. It will put such a taste in your spirit, that you really desire NOT to go ahead, NOT to do it."

The LORD continued, "The warning dreams about your future or some wrong behaviour or habit you may have, are always with the understanding, of what you need to realize, (understand) that you have to 'give up' to ME. These dreams always show you the way out! They are not just 'bad or scary' dreams without an upside towards or back to ME - who is your deliverer, your escape!"

Other than that, many dreams can be from the enemy, just as you have thoughts during the day that are from the enemy (not from ME, and not you either).


Lean on LOVE, let HIS LOVE for you, be the benchmark, the place where you discern right or true from wrong or un-true.

This anointing comes by GRACE. You have nothing to do but just believe!

Burden Bearing and NO Elbow Grease!

No, this is NOT some horror picture.

But I will be the first to admit it kind of looks strange. But hang with me here, and I guarantee it will make sense shortly.

The other day while showering, the LORD spoke to me and said: "Son, wash your right elbow with your right hand".

Of course instantly I said "LORD that is impossible".

DADDY (the LORD) continued: "Do you have some sort of defect? Are you hurting or lame, that is limiting you from washing your right elbow?"

"Not at all, LORD" wondering where HE was going with all this.

"So," the LORD continued, "how will you wash your right elbow?"

"Easily with my left hand" I answered.

"Exactly!" as HE seemed pleased with my answer, and note, HE always seems pleased with me. That is called GRACE.

Then the LORD said; "And so it is with your fellowship, your family. There are some in your group, with burdens, troubles that they can not clean up or fix. Like the right hand, washing the right elbow. But there are those in the family, in your fellowship of believers that can without any effort do the job. Like the left hand to the right elbow, they don't even think about it, but easily do it."

"This", HE carried on with saying, "is what it means to bear one anothers burdens". Galatians 6:2

"There is no way for one to carry it, as they were NEVER meant to carry it, and simple for others to carry it, as they are gifted in other ways to be strong and to build up what is missing in the other. Fill the others need, yes easily carry the others burden. "

"Impossible for one - Easy for the other".