It seems that I have this conversation a few times every year. Someone becomes insecure and doubtful about what a Christian even means.
So they question their faith, or perhaps only see their lack of faith in their life and begin to doubt.
But the Christian life is not dependent on you.
Did you get that?
Its not dependent on you, but it does depend on someone -but that is not you!
And besides, what is a Christian supposed to feel like?
My eldest son and I were having this discussion as I drove him to school earlier today.
I told him that I've asked Christian married men this; "what does marriage feel like?" And if you don't feel anything (sometimes) does that mean you are not really married? Something is wrong?
Maybe, but in most cases NOT.
So, I asked my son: "what does grade 10 feel like?" or "What does your last name (given any last name of anybody) feel like?"
My point is this, its NOT based on feelings its based on faith or believing!
Feelings can lie to you, and we are never told by JESUS to live by feelings but by faith.
There are times you may feel rejected or alone, or the devil may badger you by telling you that you are not even Christian. But if you've called on JESUS and want more of HIM and know (by experience) that HE LOVES you, then you have CHRIST in - meaning Christian.
Then you live by faith and not feelings anymore.
Follow LOVE and listen to nothing else. (LOVE meaning what is best for others, not myself).
Don't believe what you see, but instead believe what you hear from the inside where you can hear the voice of JESUS. Does Faith comes by seeing? NO NO NO! Faith comes by hearing! (Romans 10:17) When you hear what HE says, and how HE leads (in LOVE) then that brings faith to do and act and say, yes and live in a completely different way - way different life!
So get over yourself, and dont depend on feelings or anything you can or might do. GOD is only interested in JESUS living HIS LIFE through you.
- Its an abundant life.
- Its a powerful life. (over sin, over problems, over devils).
- Its a better life. (there is no other better life than HIS through you).
- Its a loved life. (you will experience and live in HIS LOVE and JOY and PEACE).
- Its a learning and growing life. (going from Glory to Glory).