The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Home Fellowship, House Party, Simple Church, Organic Church

GOD is doing a super new thing... And its OUT with the OLD and...

IN with the NEW...
And really, its not a New Thing (although new to us) its the original plan, HE is building HIS Church, just like HE promised. See Matthew 16:18
This is how it was revealed to me...
The LORD (a few years ago), told me to "leave the church".
I was getting ready one Sunday morning when I heard HIM speak. Shocked and not knowing what to do, I asked the LORD "where do you want me to go?"

No answer from on HIGH - yet...

After some time, I was amazed to hear my wife heard the same message and with that confirmation we started on a JESUS Journey that grows and grows.

It was when we were obedient to HIS last word, which was to leave, when we got HIS next word, which was to 'be the Church'. That was another eye opener, and took time to understand, and even after many years here, I still am learning by HIS SPIRIT.

So as many of you already know, GOD by HIS SPIRIT led us into what many call "House Church".

Otherwise known as 'Simple Church' or 'Organic Church' we call it often 'Home Fellowship' or when we get real excited in the things of the LORD might call it 'House Party'.

But to make your 'House Church' grow and have life in it, you have to get rid of all your Christian Religious Views and what JESUS called 'Traditions of Men'. Because either it will be your way (which is simply man's way) or it will be JESUS way, and you won't have control as the control belongs to HIM.

Our fellowships have anywhere from 20 to 35 at a time and they last for 10 to 15 hours on average. We always do some fun things like sports or games, then eat which is real important to true fellowship and discussing and talking with one another. You cant hope to 'carry one anothers burdens', if you dont' know them.

Then as the SPIRIT leads, we have a time of worship, or prayer, or opening the word where we are banking on the fact that the SPIRIT will lead us, and teach us all things - showing us more of JESUS.

As this happens, you are getting closer and closer to what the early church and apostles did.
But if you don't really understand GRACE yet, and HIS un-conditional love, then you are under legalism and a trap of the enemy. This will keep you from the freedom you are supposed to have.

The message is GRACE, the conduit is the Fellowship of Believers with the SPIRIT!

Anyway, to get a real good perspective in a global way, what JESUS is doing to liberate HIS people and build up this HUGE group of saints to 'real church', then watch this neat video explaining what is happening globaly in the "House Church" movement - you will be amazed.

For Freedom!

It was for freedom that CHRIST has set us Free! Galatians 5:1

Watch this 'cutting edge' video (about 30 minutes) of what the SPIRIT is doing around the world building Home Churches. See the video here: