Did you know that when Tsunami's hit that most animals already
knew in advance so they could run inland to safety?
Here is the link if you want to read it from BBC news.
Now if the animals could hear (or were programmed, or sensed
love warning them) why can't we hear?
What we miss, is some of the basic most important facts of life.
1) Love
2) Trust
We don't know GOD'S voice, or dont trust the fact that HE would
even talk to us. If you don't believe or use trust then you will
never hear HIS voice properly.
Now HE does talk to all of us, but if you don't trust the
fact that you've already heard before!
But without faith it is impossible to please him.
For he that draws near to God must believe that HI is, and
that he is a rewarder of them who seek him out.
Hebrews 11:6
You have to believe, coming to HIM!
Believe what?
Believe that HE listens to you/ HE hears you. Psalm 4:3
Believe that HE understands. Psalm 103:14
Believe that HE can do the impossible. Luke 1:37
Believe that HE is full of mercy and grace. John 1:17 Psalm 23:6
Believe that HE is simply "I AM", the ONE. Exodus 3:14 Revelation 22:13
But then you have to recognize and understand what GRACE
and LOVE is.
The problem is we don't understand 'love'. We think its a
warm fuzzy feeling, or something nice done to us, or words we say.
But real love is a person for GOD is LOVE. 1 John 4:8
And to understand HIS voice, you have to know HIS language and
that language is LOVE. If its not a word that is for your best
interest or better yet, the best interest of your whole family or
group (whom ever you are praying over) then you don't
understand HIS LOVE.
Now, that LOVE maybe for you - but not for selfish 'sin' nature.
That cannot work.
GOD is for you, but the 'sin' nature is only for self (never the
good, or best for you or family).
The 'sin' nature cannot please GOD and it will destroy you.
So, you have to make sure your will is matching HIS.
How can you know?
Well, like we teach to our own boys and family - use
LOVE as your benchmark.
What does LOVE say?
LOVE has a voice (hint: its GOD'S voice).
That voice is never selfish nor will it answer your 'sin'
nature selfish prayers. Love answers Love.
Simply is it a request that is 'best' for you
or 'best' for your group (others). Because LOVE is
always 'others' first (not self) the best prayer
is for others.
In fact priests do just that, they intercede for others.
As a Christian, you are called to be like JESUS our
High Priest and you are thus enrolled in the priesthood.
Note: we are not talking any church denomination or
worldly priesthood - but a royal priesthood by faith.
See 1 Peter 2:9
So practice.
Don't be afraid.
Step out on what you hear from a voice of LOVE.
And remember, some of those great lovely ideas
you've had before - were not yours! They were
given to you!