The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amazing "the trees of the fields will clap their hands"

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

This may be a hard picture to see, what we are about to explain to you, but those that have been to our home can maybe understand a bit better, but believe me, what we are saying is very neat.

Luke our oldest son, said "wow, thats almost creepy". We think its wonderful, but what do you expect from a 14 year old?

In this photo (of our kitchen) we have on the right on the edge of the counter our small kitchen stereo where we play lots (almost everyday) Christian music - Newsboys, Toby Mac, Petra, KeithGreen, TFK , Disciple to Chris Tomlin and many of the newest tunes as well.

Anyway, you get my point, lots of music actually lots of praise and christian music!

The plants are on the opposite side (directly across) from the mini stereo.

If you can actually look at these plants they are all leaning (there are about 5 of them and all different) towards the stereo - towards the music! They are growing and, reaching, if you will to the praise!

The picture doesn't really do it justice, but its real neat to see!

We know that in heaven, the plants and flowers sway with music and the entire place
is alive with joy and melody and song.

We also know that George Washington Carver, (look him up on google, if you never heard
about this incredible man). Invented hundreds of products and held patents on the peanut
and many other items. Was best friends with Edison, who in the early 1900's asked Carver
to work for him, offering him $100,000.00 to do it.

Carver, was a devout believer in JESUS, and as a scientist would talk to the LORD (Prayer)
and also talk to the plants and talk to the LORD about HIS creation and the plants.

Carver said it something like this: 'what you love, opens up to you, and reveals itself to you'.

Anyway, there is much to learn about love and joy - two fruit of the SPIRIT.

Which means they are part of GOD'S SPIRIT (what HE is like, a part of HIM).


Friday, February 4, 2011

Katja's Cat Dream - telling us exactly what to do!

It seems often, Katja (my wife) has dreams and they usually have meaning.

Then in many cases, we ask the LORD to interpret the dream, and HE by HIS never failing GRACE, shows us what they mean.

This time, the dream came before our request.

Let me explain...

My wife, has been open, to doing some part time work here and there and stumbled on an opportunity, with a company that had 8 products in their product line.
We had a meeting with the gentleman, and he was pleasant and encouraging us to invest, for some inventory and start to market his product (8 products - remember? that's a key).

But I am getting a head of myself, as I am telling you about this meeting, before I told you about the dream, because in this case, the dream came first!

Cat Dream

In her dream, she is in her old work's cafeteria, eating and enjoying her lunch, when a big white cat (larger than normal) walked into the lunch room, and started to 'spray', all over the walls in the place! This of course both shocked Katja, as well as disgusted her, and this sight (in her dream).

Later, she sees 8 cats (normal sized) all chained together!

Order of events as they occured:

  1. Weird Cat Dream
  2. Prayed for Intrepretation
  3. Met a man, with 8 products and heard his business opportunity.
  4. Got Intrepration from the LORD JESUS

Ok, so Katja has this dream and we pray, but hear nothing (from the LORD).

Then, we have this business opportunity and that night I (Eric) awoke and in the middle of the night asked the LORD if Katja should go ahead with this opportunity or not.

The LORD spoke to me and said - that was what the dream was for!

You see, we have to be in step with the LORD, and HE is always right on time, often miles ahead of the world or obviously our own thoughts. The scripture says "before you call I will answer, and while your speaking I will hear". Isaiah 65:24

Here is the intrepretation as the LORD JESUS told us:

The big white cat represents the owner of the product line and business opportunity. The old (x-job) in the cafeteria, represents where she gets 'fed'. The big cat, is white but does bad things (spray all over) because you can't see its true colors, all that you see isn't what you think.

He is spraying because he is in charge, and he will do things that you wont like. Maybe those things might be ok in the sense that they are not illegial, but the point is they wont be helpful to Katja. She will be shocked and disgusted. But a cat spraying is not something a cat can't do or is necessarily evil.

The 8 normal sized cats chained, represented the 8 products in the product line that he (the big white cat) controlled, hence the chains.

Bottom Line:

When HE (the SPIRIT of TRUTH) comes, HE will lead you in to ALL TRUTH!

We are constantly looking to the SPIRIT of GOD, to lead us into ALL TRUTH, and we are learning that ALL TRUTH is ALL TRUTH...All is All - correct?

Bless the LORD!
