Heart disease is not part of the Christian Life and its not part of the blessings, we would call it a curse wouldn't we?
But why? Why is this attacker everywhere? Is there any answer from our DAD (the LORD)?
Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
But when desire is fulfilled it is a tree of life! Proverbs 13:12
Let us look at the word "sick" first.
This word in Hebrew is clearly our word 'sick' or more closely 'disease'.
Thus you get "heart disease'.
Once I was helping a brother on the telephone, and he, a young man, was telling me
about his heart trouble. These same heart troubles plagued his parents and his grandparents as well.
I asked the LORD (in my SPIRIT) about it and the LORD asked me this:
"Who broke his heart?"
So I asked him: "who broke your heart?" And he was partially stunned and was giving it thought.
We then prayed together on the phone and hung up. I don't know what happened since, but that made
me think, 'who broke it'....why is his heart broken?
Heart Sick is Heart Disease.
What is this "Hope" anyway?
Hope is what 'you think is certain expectation' in your life.
You may feel fairly certain you were going to marry, or go to this school or travel to a certain place.
So you are really expecting something, maybe a dream of yours. It's not a maybe 'iffy' thing but more
than that, more like confident expectation.
Ok, but it's deferred? What does that mean?
The same word in Hebrew is used when Joseph is 'dragged away' by the Midianites and sold into
slavery by his brothers. Being taken away at such a young age (he was the youngest) from his
family, from the father that he adored.
That is deferred in Hebrew.
You can read the story in Genesis 37.
This 'deferred' means that your hope is snuffed out, or taken away (dragged away) right before
your eyes! You see it but you can't have it, its the most evil 'tease', as you think its yours but it isn't!
The LORD talks about this exact thing in Deuteronomy 28:30. HE says that you will plant an orchard
but not eat of the grapes. You will be pledged to marry but she will be taken by another and ravished
(strong words). You will build a house but someone else will take it (repossess it) and live in it, but
you will only watch. Your dreams and certain expectations are right there but you won't enjoy it, instead
it will be happily taken from your grasp and used.
Are you starting to get the idea?
Can I let you in on a little secret?
Joseph, sold into slavery, seemingly had all his hopes taken (dragged) away when he saw his home
life and family removed and watched it go, as he was chained in a slave caravan of the evil
Midianites. But Joseph was hearing something deep down in his SPIRIT (inside himself). About
another dream, reminding him about his real dream. The dream where the big wheat (himself) had
all these other wheats bowing to him. Showing him one day that all his brothers, and yes even these
Midianites would all bow to him and 'serve him'.
Here is the secret the LORD showed me once.
DAD said this to me: "Why when I give you a promise (a dream) the very first thing you want to do
is go out and try to fulfill it?"
You see it is only DAD (your LORD) that can fulfill Joseph's dreams and yours too.
Let that anchor you, when it may seem like everything is unraveling around you.
Because if you allow it, it will kill your heart - give you heart trouble, Real HEART DISEASE!
I can't get any plainer than that!
But here is the good part.
"A desire fulfilled is like a tree of life."
The 'tree of life' was first mentioned in the garden of Eden.
The 'Tree of LIFE' represents the LORD JESUS and all that HE is; LOVE, LIFE, JOY, TRUTH.
That LIFE is real healthy LIFE. You coming fully alive! The opposite of heart problems isn't it?
You know when we are hoping for a certain outcome, maybe in your children and they may not
'turn out' the way expected. Well we don't need to be a medical scientist to know that that
causes stress and worry.
When you worry, you forget that you have a DAD that LOVES YOU!
But those stresses, are the beginning stages of hope deferred, giving the heart trouble.
Instead seeing (by your SPIRIT) what GOD is doing and how HE is leading you and then
praying into all that (like Joseph as we discussed) starts to put our hope into something
(yes SOMEONE) greater, and keep our hearts, protect our hearts.
Guard your heart is the command.
These commands are not for GOD'S good, but for your good.
GOD your DADDY, doesn't need help, or need anything - but you do, and I do!
So, what are you hoping for?
Don't let the lies and people nor the devil steal these deep down desires and good dreams.
Because they will if you let them. Why do you let them?
Keep looking to JESUS to fulfill them trusting your situation and dreams to HIM and thus not
allowing for hope to be dragged away from you - so close but so far!
There is an entire study on people's dreams and desires that become crushed and destroyed.
Can I pray with you right now my friend? About your dreams?
DAD, I thank you for my friend, your child, reading this right now. YOU'VE given them dreams,
real ones, big ones, and they have allowed demons of lies, and people they trust that tell them
that it isn't going to happen, that it isn't so.
LORD, I know those are YOUR dreams that have been given them. Would YOU right now and
I thank YOU and can see YOU doing it, restoring their broken dreams and desires they have that
have been suppressed and pushed down that they've almost forgotten them. But YOU LORD put
those hopes and dreams and expectations in them, and I can see YOU dusting them off and
restoring them and then let them be fulfilled in them like Joseph. Encourage the reader right now,
give them a hope a real revelation and understanding that it will be done -but not by their ability
less they boast in themselves, but YOU doing it through them, giving them the desires of their heart.
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart". Psalm 37:4
Blessing: (spoken over you).
"May HE give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed" Psalm 20:4