After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013
GOD'S LOVE Language - HIS native tongue...
GOD speaks in love - (Because that is HIS nature, GOD is LOVE)
Its HIS LOVE language!
LOVE is a person. 1 John 4:8
Ok, so what is love? Or, what is HIS LOVE?
HIS LOVE (and HIS Will) because LOVE is desire. So, what HE wants
is always what is best for me and you.
Note: I am not talking about our sinful nature, which is at war with the SPIRIT of GOD that is also within us.
The sinful nature is simply the devil (his nature) we are all born with (actually received it at conception) and its all the fleshy- selfish desires we have that have NOTHING to do with GOD and LOVE.
HIS voice is never pushy its leading.
HIS voice is never a burden its comforting.
HIS voice is never fearful its faithful.
HIS voice is never about self its about others.
HIS voice is never confusing its peaceful.
See James 3:17
The LORD has to be true to HIS nature just like HE said the devil acts and talks
according to his (satanic) nature. John 8:44
We tell our kids, generally if the voice or thoughts you hear are loud (yelling)
then its not GOD.
If your thought, was gentle, (it can be thought provoking from the LORD) but always tempered with peace and patience and always for your own good! (which are just HIM SELF manifesting in you anyway).
Lastly, its imposible to 'miss it' from the GOD of all patience.
If our children 'miss it' we don't tell them too late - you are out of the family.
No, if they fail or miss it, we give them another chance.
I tell you for sure, we are not more loving than GOD!
For you to 'miss it' (whatever it is) would mean GOD has given up on you and you are no value to HIM anymore. That sounds just like the devil and not the GOD of all wisdom and kindness that we serve.
LOVE doesn't use.
GOD doesn't use us.
I don't use my wife.
I don't use my children.
No, GOD loves us so much, HE wants to come inside us (dwell in and around us) to partner together and change lives and open blind eyes that live in a world stumbling in pitch darkness.
When Jonah intentionally 'missed it'. GOD still had compasion on him and the ninevites.
When Peter missed it, JESUS loved him through.
If we miss it (HE doesn't miss it) and LOVE which bears all things, will guide you through. You are not to late my friend, you are just on time.
for “‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ Acts 17:28
The Only Law Left is LOVE!
The only law that is left is love.
New testament giving is not obligation or tithing, its only motivation is HIS LOVE.
(which is HIMSELF) flowing through you.
Anything of GOD blesses all sides.
Under the old covenant, you were respondsible to keep all 613 laws and if you failed (which we all have) we had to make the right sacrifice, and doing all the right things to make restitution between us and GOD and our fellowman (if it was a sin against our brother or sister).
Tithing was one of the laws. Its an obligation - you must do it.
Just like every law, there are no picking and choosing for under the law the only answer is 'we must' - we have to!
JESUS comes along and in the beginning of the Gospels brings the law back up to its proper place. You see, we can't (nobody can) keep any of the laws and if you break one of them - then you are a lawbreaker.
So, because in our hearts we know we've all violated HIS laws (which nobody would debate because they are all good) but we have failed if but only one we have broken all. So, we pretend to keep them, and outwardly act like we do. see James 2:10
We say things like "we've never killed anyone". And "we don't steal". Or I have never commited adultery - or that person is divorced (secretly with pride in our hearts we wisper - "adulterer".)
So before JESUS can do all the things needed to free us, HE had to first put the law in its proper context. Bring it up to GOD'S level.
See Matthew 5 for example.
He puts murder into its proper place, adultery, oaths, marriage, and basically ends the entire teaching saying "be perfect, just like your heavenly FATHER".
Think you never murdered? JESUS said if you said 'fool' or in todays language maybe 'stupid' or something worse... In GOD'S Kingdom you've killed (the man you are mad at) his character and brought it down to a level of hate (no love). Murder!
You see many times, the people walked away from HIM, or the disciples would look with confusion and fear saying "who can be saved then?"
The point of the law is to show us how pittiful and sinful and terrible we are. Because we like to belive the lie that we are 'not that bad' when GOD is telling us that our good works are filthy wrags! And that we are (according to Revelation) poor, wretched, dumb, blind and naked!
Not a good state.
Stop pretending to live the christian life -because you can't.
Nobody can!
Remember in the book of Revelation, nobody in heaven could take the scroll?
John basically freaks out and the whole place is upset with the fact that nobody was worthy to take the scroll.
All but 1!
JESUS/YESHUA (the lamb) was worthy to take the scroll.
We and nobody is worthy - just worthless but loved!
If you read the first part of the Matthew 5 gospel JESUS said this amazing thing:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. " Matthew 5:17
Bless GOD that HE did -because we can't save ourselves!
Once we realize we are in need and have violated every law. We fall before HIM and receive HIS love HIS unconditional Favor and GRACE.
That's why its called GRACE -because nothing you or I could do, could deserve it!
GRACE is undeserved!
So if you want to try to keep the laws (like any of them) according to Galatians 1 you cut yourself off of GOD'S GRACE. When you realize its all about JESUS and HE wants to live through you (in you) and will make and mold you into what both you and HE wants you to be - HE will do it.
But its only done by GRACE. Now, your life is just an overflow of HIS LOVE. Its not I have to give, I have to do, I have to go, I have to this or that...
HE puts HIS love in us and we start to 'want to'.
Not have to but want to.
How did anyone get 'born again' was it what we did to make GOD save us?
Or, did we realize we needed HIM and had nothing but believed HE came in and forgiven us?
I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Galatians 3:2
You can't do anything but receive. From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
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