The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Is That A Monkey In My Closet??

I think there is a monkey seated in my closet!

What the Lord is showing me with this strange picture of a seated and dressed monkey in my closet.

Ever seen something from the corner of your eye & you thought it was real?

That is what happened to me one early morning when it was still very dark outside. I wasn't wearing my glasses & looked over my shoulder while trying to wake up in bed. The light was on in my closet I guess my wife left it on. But what do I see out of the corner of my eye?  A monkey! And it was just sitting there!



No, I think not, we all see things out of corner of our eyes.

But, I ask: " Lord does it mean anything? Can I learn anything about this?"

DAD (GOD) answers: "Monkeys can be trained to do all kinds of things but inevitably the're still monkeys. So with time you train them, put a hat or clothes on them, even get them to act civilized or decent at times. After all that hard work the very heart of the matter is that; they are still monkeys.

So, you can dress the flesh up, make it seen to others, that it is controllable, good and decent. But it can never be, / flesh gives birth to flesh. Spirit gives birth to spirit.

With me you have to see death and resurrection together. Your flesh has been crucified but you at the same time are made alive by CHRIST.

There's a transition but its immediate.

See all the doubts, lies, selfishness, fears, laziness, anger, evil cravings, stingy greed....all dead! Now see life, strength and joy and peace, creativity & love be yours instead.

The heart of the sin nature (flesh) is crazy and wild like a training is required, rather a replacement is needed. The old has passed away...the new has come.
But the thing you have to start to see, is that you are dead to the illusion.
The sin nature or carnal mind (flesh) is an illusion. Oh, it looks real (to a degree, like your monkey) but it IS not reality.  How can 2 things be reality?  The reality is you haven't been ever separated from me and you have LIFE flowing through you...seated in heavenly realms, and all that talk about flesh and lust and all that is you falsely believing its real, when its illusion. Real is you never away from me (where can I go from your SPIRIT) and always with all of ME resting in all of you.
Its the false god, the god of lies.
Eric: So, why is it mentioned in the bible if its NOT true.
DAD: Oh, there are plenty of things to battle out, that you 'think' are real, and would swear it is so, but you will find its an illusion - the reality is CHRIST (MESSIAH) and HIS LIFE in you.
Let go of illusions.
What if you started to believe that the sin nature is not only dead, but like your monkey in your closet -so dead it really isn't even real? So, why give it thought and try to dress it up and keep it - to make it good?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Get Them Into Your Game

My two teen boys and I found a soccer pitch (field) and decided to kick the ball around and have some fun.

Because we were at a beach resort, this area had lots of families staying and many facilities to enjoy.

So, here are the 3 of us having fun with soccer (football to some of those outside of North America). It was a fairly warm but soccer friendly day.

As we were playing together, there were over time kids, standing on the sidelines watching, or walking slowly, staring at us, as their parents led them to the beach.

Knowing that my own boys, would be/do the same; I would ask those that seemed interested if they wanted to join in our game?

Note: Picture to the left are my 2 sons at the actual pitch (soccer field) we played on.

Every single one of them did! They all wanted in, and before we knew it, our 3 became 10 and then later 15 were playing! All different ages and skills. A young dad and his son joined as well!

As I was pondering that a few days later, (and how fun it was) the LORD (DAD) spoke to me and said "Get them into Your Game! As they are not playing yet…"

Then it dawned on me...

We have to get them into our game - which is the kingdom.

Now, we don’t have to look far, they are right around us, wanting to join in our fun.

We don’t have to beg them, they (those that are sent) want it, and will readily join in.

We don’t have to explain all the rules and nuances of the game, they kinda of know the basics already, all we have to do, is explain to them, who is on their side and who is against them.

One of the other simple things we need to show them is what position they are playing, they need to quickly find their role in the game.

They don’t have to go get anything, or put on anything they, just as they are, are ready to cross the line and enter the game...taking one step.

It is love that leads/compels them anyway.

And the Adon (LORD) said to the eved (servant), Go out to the rekhovot (city centre, the main business in the middle /heart of the city/country) and along the boundaries (border’s/ furthest edge of country) and urge them to come in, in order that My Beis (home) may be filled.  Luke 14:23

Basically that is from the centre to the furthest edge.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wrong Number or All GOD?

Wrong Number...
or was it All GOD??

The other evening, I heard the phone ring and run to pick it up. Time was about 6 pm.

Could not make out what the caller was asking, it sounded like they were talking in a toilet bowl (not that I have any experience with such things) but I think you get the point.

I politely tell them, that "I can't hear them..." apologizing I hung up the phone. 

I ask around my family, just after hanging up and see if any of them picked up the line, resulting in perhaps the bad connection, but that all came up negative.


At that, the phone rang again and I picked up.


This caller, was coming through loud and clear now, somewhat agitated saying, "why did you hang up on me the last time?"

"Sorry", was my reply, "who is calling?"

"Is this NOT the pharmacy?....I've been waiting and waiting" she complained.

"Pharmacy, this is a home!" was my surprised answer.

Stunned, she continued; "HOME!, I thought this was my pharmacy? You see I've been waiting and waiting for many hours for the delivery man to arrive.  I think these pharmacies create jobs (like the delivery guy was what she was implying), to add more cost and frustration to their customers!" Not missing a beat she continued. "I could have walked there and back and got what was needed....this pharmacy.....". Her voice trailed as she spoke.

I interjected (remember this was a wrong number) "maybe you don't need the pharmacy, the LORD heals you!"

Laughing, she reacted; "what?...its not for me!" Meaning whatever from the pharmacy that was to be delivered was seemingly not for her.

"Well, may the LORD heal the other guy too!" was my next point.

Now laughing more, I mean a fairly good and honest laugh she said "You're funny!"

A bit of a pause, as I was wondering and thinking to myself...I'm not trying to be 'funny', but serious and this is a wrong number isn't it?

She, feeling the need to correct herself said; "Ah...I don't mean you are funny in a wrong way...its just that I was SO angry when I first called, and then when you hung up, I was thinking that it was the pharmacy...and that got me MORE Angry!"

Trying to let her feel that I understood, I said "business can sometimes forget about service, its too bad".

This lady then says "I know...but I was so mad and when I called you , well, you made me laugh and laugh and that helped me, I didn't mean it to be rude but you are a VERY interesting person, thank-you!"

Her appreciation sounded genuine.

And that was it.

I think the LORD by SPIRIT can do anything at anytime and all we have to do is love, let love do what it wants and GOD supplies the rest!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Young Person Asks About "Truth" and finding it hard to believe….

A young persons request about 'Truth" and commenting how hard it was to believe!

My answer….


Pilate asked JESUS 'what is truth'? John 18:38

The ironic thing about it was that Pilate was looking right at HIM!
Pilate was staring at TRUTH.

Until you meet HIM, you will never know TRUTH.

Because JESUS alone is TRUTH.

I am the way and the truth and the life. John 14:6

When you meet HIM, you will know it, just like meeting anyone alive - you know it!

You want to know why there are many 'so called' Christians, that give up? or when they are in their 20's or 30's leave the things of GOD?

Because of this:

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power." 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Many (maybe you) base your faith on human wisdom, old bible stories, mans ideas (even sadly some preachers ideas) about GOD - but not on HIS POWER, never seen HIS power!

You see, when you have a JESUS encounter, meet HIM and HE leads you, talks to you and you walk with GOD - you see it, experience it and know it.

Then FAITH becomes strong and unbelief vanishes.

Who has believed our report? Isaiah 53:1


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2nd Choice

I am going to share a principle of the kingdom, that many may not realize.

They are trying to get a job, or promotion or are waiting on 'being selected' .

These are Christian folks, they trust JESUS (YESHUA) and are realizing they have 'favor' in
all that they say and do.

They have prayed, and have all the qualifications that are required...prepared, solid interview and everything is looking good...


They are not chosen!

 They get '2nd Place'

Overlooked they choose someone else.
You are not their first choice.

Stunned..they don't get the job...they are asked to move on..
..they are 'thanked' for their participation.

What do you do?
Where is GOD?

Where is all that 'favor' that is supposed to be with us?

Let me remind you, you are not in the worlds system, you are in GODS Kingdom!

And the world  (world and their institutions, including christian religious institutions) will ALWAYS over look you and you will rarely be their first choice.


Because all through time, GOD'S kids were always last choice.
Look at Cain and Able, Cain (older) and had the worlds idea of sacrifice without cost and it would be accepted by the world - but not GOD - HE chose the later.

Take Lot, choosing the rich lush land (later became Sodom and Gomorrah) which left Abraham with the desert/wilderness ..dry land.  Again overlooked and thrown the left overs.

Take Joseph, the youngest among the older brothers, with a dream and a vision of the future and his GOD.
But sold in slavery and later in a prison. Even the Chief Cupbearer were let out before righteous Joseph. Even though Joseph interpreted dreams, and walked in divine wisdom - he was not the first choice of the world to be released.

No, they forgot about him and left him (in prison) longer.
But GOD never forgot how the Kingdom works!

Take Jacob and Esau.
Now I believe Isaac, (their father) should have knew how this all works, and gave the youngest one with the blessing, being tricked as he would have given the blessing to the older Esau, (who the world would choose, strong, big and handsome) who loved the world, and disregarded the birth right and the blessing anyway.

Joseph and his mother knew better, and saw what GOD saw, and how the Kingdom works!

Joseph went on to have his name changed to "Israel" and became famous and rich and the rest is history.

Look at  Moses before Pharaoh.  Moses threw his staff on the ground and it became a snake. So Pharaoh, gets his magicians, wizards to mimic the same miracle. Note : Moses wasn't in Pharaoh's 'wisdom council' but a renegade to them.  Also Note; Moses snake ate the other snakes! Exodus 7:12

Here is a great example about how GOD chooses in the Kingdom:

Perhaps the classic example, was when the prophet Samuel was asked to choose the next king and went to Jesse's house (David's father and home).  Samuel knew that GOD didn't pick (and HIS Kingdom never operates this way) the first choice. The most talented the best looking the strongest - the worlds best!


The Prophet Samuel, knew GOD picks the opposite of the world.
see 1 Samuel 16

 And so you are also 'not picked first' my brother and sister in JESUS (YESHUA). In fact you found out 'you didn't get the job', 'you were looked over', 'the company went another way', 'they had other plans'...

So, you are OUT.
Feeling rejected.
Perhaps frustrated.

"I don't get it" you ponder.

"Why doesn't this favor work for me? When it works for other people...but not me?" you debate in your own thoughts.

Why am I always the one not picked?

Well if you are NOT part of GOD'S Kingdom, then you have to be the 'best' and hope they pick you.

But to those that are in the Kingdom, no fret instead go out and get new clothes for the job is around the corner.

How it often happens:
The world will either realize that their 'first choice' was a wrong choice...and forced to call you.
Or GOD has a better place for you but again you probably wont be picked first...but you will get there!
And rejoice in your GOD!

You are in a good place, actually the 'best place' but you need to exercise faith to see it.

You must see, that GOD lifts up the lowly ones, the ones that ended in 2nd or 3rd or 10th!
And GOD will make good, you will eat the best of the land.
Don't fret (worry) it only leads to evil - and you don't want that!

Cheer for being 'not chosen' by the world, knowing you are 'chosen by GOD'.
Rejoice for it shows you, you are not in the world, but really operating in the Kingdom!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sitting In McDonalds Jan 15 2014 -learning to compete with humility

Waiting on the LORD

Sitting here in McDonalds - starting to do my daily 'thing', and the LORD speaks to me.
"Write a blog post" was what I heard.

So, I am sitting here with laptop and listening....

A friend of the families just walks in, but doesn't notice me (yet).

"Compete"..."compete to gain the prize" was the next thing I heard from DAD (the LORD).
"There is worldly competitiveness and GODLY competitiveness, which are you competing for?"

Me (eric): I never thought about it, can i answer both?
My mind flashing to the Olympics where an elite athlete may compete in different events.
So, how do I compete in the Spiritual Things?

DAD: "Humility bringing Greatness" was the answer.
"Humility sees what GOD is doing in someone, so we focus on that - seeing that sometimes little change in the lives of someone.
Humility also sees how far some of your elders grows (say parents) and seeing them 'for greatness', seeing them for 'hero's' do you see that? or does pride block the view as you are too busy looking at yourself?
Humility takes it sometimes and leaves it another, it doesn't get 'hung up' on things but on spirit and attitude, assuming the road less travelled."

Learning to be grateful for those around you and the situation you are in.
That creates humility.
Seeing JESUS in everyone, recognizing HIS SPIRIT at work (and not looking to self).

Humility...brings greatness.
Greatness without humility brings pride.
