The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Sunday, May 29, 2022

JESUS looks at faith - how?


We know HIS promise is to heal. Its the same word as "saved".  If you are saved, that word is Sozo and it means delivered, set free, provided for, healed, strengthened. Saying that and I've seen lots of it in my family we  are right it (healing) can seem elusive, at times, 

I've seen it come real fast and other-times painfully slow. There are times when I'm talking the words just fly out powerfully and other times, I don't even seem to make sense to myself let alone others.

I thought of this verse when listening to your video...the SPIRIT prompted me by saying this (in my inner (kingdom of heaven) thoughts)  was "How did JESUS see faith?"

Which brought me to Luke 5.  Its the story when the guys brought their paralytic friend and couldn't get into the house because of the crowd. So they got to the roof and lowered their diseased friend through the tiles and roof down to JESUS in the middle of the crowded room and as the scripture says in Luke 5:20 "When JESUS saw their faith..."    Faith was simply reaching out to JESUS.  Simply throwing yourself at HIS feet.  The friends helped their paralytic buddy to get there - was FAITH.  They placed their friend at HIS feet.

Notice JESUS then says still in verse 20 "Friend your sins are forgiven.."   Note; the term "friend" in the Bible was not a Facebook "friend" we use the word friend so easily. The word friend was ONLY to be used with someone that is in covenant - you are a friend if you are a covenant keeping person, that would do anything you can for your "friend".  I no longer call you servants but friends.(see John 15:15) these are covenant keeping brothers/sisters.  You can tell the guys lowering the paralytic down were real friends trying to do anything for their fallen buddy. Covenant! 

The other time I could find was JESUS getting on a boat in Matthew 9 and when He got to the other side in vs 2 "Just then some men brought to Him a paralytic lying on a mat. When JESUS saw their faith..."  Here it is again.  Faith was simply taking JESUS at His word - I'm coming, I'm here and HE sees faith because HE IS the faith.  HE responds to faith just like you do.  When someone reaches out to you in love with some need we say it was done in "good faith" - you respond, you WANT to help or do what you can.     its the same thing...

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Pray the way you were never taught


David said in Psalm 5:3 "Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly."  I think like the father in the prodigal son story in Luke 15. This father was watching/expecting his son to return (one-day).   When you got saved, how did you know?  You just believed it and said yes - amen its mine.  The moment you sinned, did you doubt your salvation?  Healing and Salvation are the same "Sozo" word.   We seem to have no problem believing our sins are forgiven but have a hard time believing we are healed!   When JESUS walked on the earth, they had no problem believing JESUS healed but stumbled and refused to believe that HE can forgive sins (the opposite).   

They complained that ONLY GOD can forgive sins. "“Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Mark 2:7

I think we struggle at times believing the good news (gospel) at how good it really is.  Its supposed to be so good that you can't contain it.  Its supposed to be so good, you cant help talking about it to everyone.  Its supposed to be so good you would praise GOD and cheer when in prison (chains-Paul did)... So that your faith isn't based on some amazing prophets words, my words, some pastors words, or even the words of the bible but that your faith would rest on the SPIRIT'S power.  

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith would not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:5   Too many churchy folks are trying to rest their faith on what someone said or some pastors word-of-faith, rather link back and remember seeing a time of GODs power, some miracle and say like David - I have killed lions and bears, (protecting his sheep) and I will do the same to this pagan Philistine, who has defied the army of the living God. 1 Samuel 17:36