If you read my other blog post, I mention the Greek word 'Sozo' σώζω means; delivered, saved, provided for, healed.
But what this Greek restaurant waitress shared with me, really put it into perspective.
Here's how it happened (a few years ago)...
My Dad and I frequent this restaurant by our offices and over time have gotten to know some of the staff, including this little grandmother Greek waitress that has worked in this restaurant for many years.
Being there so many times, and joking around with her, one day I asked her what the word 'sozo' means?
She thought for a moment, un-sure how to answer.
I said, it was a Greek word in the new testament and she nodded like she now knew what I was getting at.
She put her arms (don't forget we are in a restaurant) but she put her arms pretending she was holding a baby and said...
"This is what that word means, it means a mother nurturing her baby".
Then I knew it!
When GOD saves you, HE loves you like a mother with her baby.
Feeding, nurturing, providing, protecting, holding, singing, comforting, healing.
Are you believing the whole Gospel or just parts of it?
Is JESUS only fire insurance to you? or is HE your 'all in all'?
Afraid to let HIM hold you?
Don't know that HE is in you?
Living through you?
So afraid of LOVE...
Only Believe -
LORD open their eyes to see.
'HE will quiet you with his love,
HE will rejoice over you with singing.' Zephaniah 3:17
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