Had a question thrown my direction more than once on sexual sins
in a Christian family.
Either its been, homosexual or adultery, lust, porn or fornication and
what the proper response is to the Christian believer that has a loved
family member that is 'caught up' in such a mess.
We tend at times as people to jump on and attack only sins that
we don't ourselves do. (Making us self righteous, because we think
that because we don't do 'that sin' we are better than others).
GRACE forgives sin but it is a stench to the self righteous.
So, in this question received (many times, but in different ways)
here is how I see it for now...
Q. Help us stop this family madness!
A. First let us understand what 'sin is'.
The reason sin is sin, is because it is only about 'self' which is the
devils nature. This Satanic nature is all about himself,
and it ONLY thinks and acts; 'me, me, me'.
They way things work in this world is through covenant.
Covenant is all about 'representation'.
Who the covenant representative is.
At the fall, we all (through our representative Adam) took on the 'devils nature'.
The bible calls it the sin nature, or flesh.
Each person at conception, receives this 'virus' in us as the 'sin nature'.
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 51:5
GOD didn't create it, it is in fact Satan's nature, and it is opposite
of GOD - opposite HIS ways, of:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith
and Self-control
Note: if you hear what you think might be GOD's voice, or you hear
some 'pastor, prophet', give you a "word", check it against GOD'S own
Nature (HIS SPIRIT). Does it sound "loving, joyful, Kind & Good, does
it produce Faith or doubt? Would it put you out of control or self-controlled?
In this Amazing New Covenant, we switch to a new representative - JESUS,
and gain all the promises and glory, provision, healing through that representative
in the new covenant! (more on that at another time)
Anyway this sin nature makes us do what it wants.
Paul said, in fact "so that you can't do what you want"
See Romans 7 and Galatians 5.
When it tempts us, we agree stupidly thinking its us doing and wanting it and it
does the sin through our agreement - manifesting all kinds of sins.
They are sins, because they are all to do with 'self'.
Love esteems others better than it self (see Phil 2:3)
Love does no wrong to his neighbour
Love is the fullfilment of the law (see Romans 13:10)
Love of course covers all the sins, (see 1 Peter 4:8)
because it only wants what is good for others.
It asks, How can I please GOD?
This will make my Mom, my sister, my __________pleased so I do it.
NOT, the self nature saying ' I did it my way'.
No, its all about others and that is how GOD thinks of you.
Good thoughts, loving thoughts (about what is best for you) etc...
That is exactly what GOD is like. That is JESUS'S nature.
When you are saved, you die to the old nature
(it dies with you at the cross) and you are raised with HIS life, in us.
Actually the very GOD HEAD dwells in the believer!
(that is something to mediate on)
JESUS said, 'the FATHER and I will come inside you'. (John 14:23)
When we get saved, we become united with JESUS in HIS AMAZING LOVE.
That love makes us act and think different
(it is the 100% opposite of self or the sin nature, which is
really Satan himself manifesting through us - if we let him).
Those natures oppose each other. Galatians 5:17
JESUS' love in you, makes you NOT want to sin or listen to the
devil through the sin nature.
Then by giving the problem to the LORD, HE (and HE alone) will
take the desire out of you and give you a proper loving desire.
This is the method of GRACE, and it works for every sin!
If you don't want to give up your sin, you might not be saved.
Because the saint, may sin, but he knows its
wrong - and doesn't want to live like that.
GOD alone does the restoration
Your job is to be willing/believe HIM to do it.
Then put your focus on JESUS - not on your self, or sin again.
If you are not willing, although you know you should be, ask
the LORD to make you willing and take the desire away replacing it
with HIS love.
Really sin is a love issue. Because its love turned inward, when it
is something that only works outward!
Love turned inward is lust. Its perverted from its normal way.
There is only 1 Savior, HE is 100% able to rescue and your
family isn't the first family with this situation that GOD can't restore.
The first step - are you willing?
The last step - Resting in HIS complete work!
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