The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, March 4, 2010


First off, lets distiguish between temptation and sin...

Temptation is NOT a sin, because you are being tempted to sin. It becomes sin (if you agree with it/give in to it).

Lust simply means a wrong desire for someone or something. It is a sin because it does one of two things:

It either raises something up to a level its not or
it lowers someone down to a level they are not.
Let me explain:

You can lust for money, or power or fame for example. Its a sin because you are raising up 'things' (money, power, fame) above people and above GOD HIMSELF!

Someone may say the General 'lusted for power'. Lust in this case is a sin because it puts 'things' and raises 'things' (like money, power, or my new car, fame, things) above people. They become more important than people. That is why some people kill for money or try to sell their soul (if you really can) - for more!

You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. see James 4:2

But lust is often spoken of in terms of sexual sin. Remember 'lust' is putting something in its wrong place. So in 'lust for women', you are putting women (or a woman) down into a position of a 'thing' or an object to be used. She is there for my satisfaction.

I don't really care that she is a princess in GOD'S family, or that she is someone's daughter, or someone's wife or someone's mom - she is my lustful play thing (even in my mind - imagination).

She's a possesion - something to be owned and used.

JESUS said: "but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." see Matthew 5:28

Why do we love things and use people
when we should use things and love people?

Love on the other hand, says "you are here, so how can I bless you, help you, nurture you."

There is a way out of lust- you can start to live the conquering life over sin that is why JESUS came to destroy the works of the devil!
1 John 3:8

But remember, its not you trying to live this life - the secret (or mystery Paul talks about) is Christ in you - JESUS living through you and 'as you'.

So, in a nut-shell, love is what its all about, and love is always for someone else (not you). Love can only be for the well being of the other person.
Lust is (love perverted, turned inward) and is only for ME! (never others) only ME!


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