The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Friday, March 19, 2010

Question: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

why God created 'tree of the knowledge'



If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.

I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?

The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.

But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.

Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them


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