Love has a goal and only wants 1 thing...
If, as we have learned, LOVE is the most powerful thing (I use the word thing for ease of understanding), in the universe. Then what would that most powerful thing desire?
What does LOVE want?
We know its of supreme power because the LORD tells us that this LOVE can never fail!
See 1 Corinthians 13:8
Now, its important to understand that there are different loves, and we can sometimes use the word love for many different things. But what the LORD is showing us is a LOVE that is outside ourselves. This LOVE for many of us seems foreign to us, we are NOT naturally born with it.
We are wired for it, (like a homing device inside us) that is constantly looking for the only LOVE that satisfies. This spark inside that GOD has given is also looking for a response.
That is why many of us are attempting to find fulfillment in millions of different ways. From our jobs, to money, to sex, to power, to the 'next thing', and for some, drugs and alcohol.
Trying and desperately searching for that 'something' that can fill the void.
This little 'love' desire in your heart keeps searching...
Its searching for something...
It should be searching for 'Someone', not something.
Because LOVE is a person, GOD is LOVE.
This kind of LOVE that is spoken of, is unconditional love full of grace and its given freely to the ones that don't deserve it! Because its wings are GRACE.
Now this LOVE only wants 1 thing - and that is its chief aim.
LOVE wants to be LOVED.
LOVE is its own reward (there is no higher high, there is no greater reward then love).
Its its own reward!
Now, GOD has place love in your heart, and you have some of it but its nothing to do with selfish love (lust), its has everything to do with HIM showering HIS LOVE on you.
In one word 'GRACE'!
When LOVE is rejected, its hurt but even then, it doesn't fail.
Paul had a similar 'love problem', with the believers in Corinth.
The story is picked up in 2 Corinthians 6 see verses 11 to 13.
We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. 12 We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. 13 As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also.
Want to kill love?
When LOVE manifests (shows itself) its called affection.
Stop affection, and you are attempting to stop love.
Now I hear some of you say, well Love never fails right? Right!
But if you stop affection, you stop love right? Right!
How can it be both?
LOVE lets go, and doesn't 'insist on its own way'. LOVE by its own nature will not make you respond, it only 'waits' for a response. It 'hopes' for a response.
So, then if love doesn't get a response, then it failed right? Wrong!
It never forces, it only patiently waits.
LOVE never failed here, it did everything like it was supposed to, everything it wanted to.
It needs a willing partner, its the benefactor which needs a recipient.
In the short run, it can look like 'love' fails (here and there) but its always looking for the best in the other, and hoping for greatness in the other - and although it may take time (the other may resist, may fight) its useless, because Love will endure and never fail in the end.
In the passage we read for the saints in Corinth.
Paul had been loving them, doing everything he could for their well being.
So Paul says "I opened wide my heart for you", now here is LOVE looking for a return.
Paul says "As a fair exchange, open wide your hearts also"
GOD sent JESUS to you, and loves you even in the awful mess you may be in. HE has sent JESUS and right now stands ready to help you and bless you. GOD has opened HIS heart wide for you, as a fair exchange, open wide your heart also to HIM.
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