The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Grace Pt 3 - Debate Answer.

I've been in my share of debates, which become much more serious when you learn and fall into GRACE.

You see when you are under the Law (legalism) or what is sometimes called 'self effort', it doesn't matter what religion you are in. They all have their 'set of rules', even the Christian Religion. Its simply; 'here are the rules, and now you follow them'!

The problem is no one can!

So this debate when on!

I changed the name to 'Allen' in this post, from the real person.

Here is my answer of GRACE and JESUS alone - nothing else, no religion only HIM!

Note: Allen had a home church, but ran it like normal church or IC is what we call it.
institutional Church


Dear Allen, simply if you ADD anything to JESUS you put yourself under
man made religion. Because its simply "JESUS ONLY" not JESUS plus (something).


And the only law left for those in GRACE (as some definitely are here)
is LOVE.

LOVE is ONLY what is best for the other person, its never for self (thats lust).
LOVE does no harm to anyone. Romans 13:10

Trying to keep or make issue of any laws like tithing, sabbath keeping, bible reading, going to church (this place to worship or that place) etc..
is forcing to control people, instead of allowing them freedom to
worship the LORD directly and spontaneously.

In marriage and family, I would rather have my wife or sons give me
something written on a scrap piece of paper, spontaenously out of love, (from the heart) rather than go out and buy the fanciest card, and simply sign their name to it.

You see one is 'of the heart', the other is 'mechanical, out of duty'.

GOD reminds us to seek HIM with our whole heart. Jeremiah 29:13

OR to LOVE the LORD your GOD... which is the first and greatest and only command. Luke 10:27

So there is absolutely no obligation but rather a willingness, a desire.

Once you enter GRACE, which is really what HIS kingdom is all about,
everything will change for you, and your spiritual eyes will be opened
as Paul prayed that same prayer for the Ephesians 1:18

You will read the Bible in a whole new way.
Your prayer life will change, and answer will come forth in the miraculous.
Your fellowship will grow, and you will do nothing to make it such.
Your quality of worship will be a complete joy (great fun) as you experience the 'joy of the LORD' in HIS presence, where
is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures for ever more.
Psalm 16:11

The true secret is in dying to gain.
Weakness becomes strength.

Are you ready to 'die' to all your legalistic ideas?
How do we all know?
We were all at one time, just like you! We know!

This 2011 could be the greatest year for you and your family and your friends
as you enter into HIS Kingdom of GRACE, and have HIS Kindom enter you.


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