- We've made it going to church, when we are the church.
- We've made it a business, when its supposed to be a get-together.
- We talk about 'you must give', when it should be 'you must believe and receive'.
- We've made it serious and strict, when its supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing.
- We've made it time conscience (when it starts/and ends), when its supposed to be spontaneous!
- We have 'shake a hand to the person beside you', when its supposed to be 'break bread together', and 'wash each others feet'.
- We've made it passive and boring, when its supposed to interactive and edifying.
- We lift man up (behind a pulpit, or on stage) but when JESUS taught them HE sat.
- These same men also promote themselves but John said "HE must increase, I must decrease". John 3:30
- We've used every gimick, and marketing effort to draw the lost, when we are supposed to love them (take interest in them/serve them)!
- We've made it a place where the leader has the last word, when its supposed to be GOD has the only word (and HE speaks it through all HIS children, especially the least of them).
Part of the process of entering into 'house church', or 'simple church' or 'organic church' is only one small (but important step).
Note: Call it what you want (house church etc...) we call them Fellowship Parties, its the people and JESUS in the midst that is the important part (not what you call it).
The most important part of the process, is in actually giving the church back to JESUS where
it belongs. HE is looking for HIS Bride (us) and we are like a young 14 year old girl, trying to 'pretend' to be grown up and play dress up!
We've had 'house church', for a while now, and have un-believers join us, because they are 'invited' and 'loved in', and they are made to feel welcome.
We have TONS, and I repeat TONS of fun together.
It goes on for HOURS and I repeat HOURS together.
Nobody wants to leave. And why? its fun, its edifying, its loving!
But if its not done in GRACE - it wont work, you will have the same problems that are happening in the IC (Instutional Church) simply begin to happen in the HC. (House Church)
Can we step aside, and let the SPIRIT move through the believers.
Can we enter GRACE, and rest in the fact that we are all 'scum bags' without JESUS (our good works are filthy rags, and we've not even got into discussing our bad deeds yet). Isaiah 64:6
Can we allow our own agenda and ideas to be put aside and simply let
spontaneous love flow? Allow everyone 'the floor', as GOD directs then
you will see the gifting manifest as it only works out of love.
Only works out of esteeming others BETTER than your selves.
This only works by HIS GRACE moving on our hearts and it happens
as we give up our ideas and let HIM control!
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