Growing up, going to Christian school and ultimately Christian college, and being a youth leader for years as well, I was taught that the J.W's are a 'cult', as they do not teach or believe in the deity of JESUS (meaning: JESUS is GOD, which I would assume most of us here in Christians believe).
As much as that above statement is 100% true, what I've received from the LORD
in revelation is this:
Everyone from bikers, to theives to the J.W.'s to the average church going christian,
is all the same.
Yes, we've all sinned and GOD has placed us all in/under sin.
We all have our own laws, even bikers and thieves do.
We all have our own ways of worship or prayer to 'whom ever is GOD/god' to them.
We all have our own special days, holy/special books, special occasions/times.
There is a code of honour even among thieves, there is only certain things they will do and not do. The same said for every religion out there - including the christian religion.
Here is where I am getting at.
They all have they're own laws/rules.
Paul argued that those that claim they have 'no law', are still a law to themselves.
They still hold onto some integrity if you will. Romans 2:14-15
The problem?
We are never good enough - no matter if we are bikers or the 'christian guy' that
goes to church (building) everytime the doors are open - or better yet, have the keys
to open the building up! They are no different.
But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.
23 Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. Galatians 3:22-23
JESUS and HIS GRACE (alone) is what this 'faith' is, trusting JESUS (only).
These laws (whether they are your current church laws, or the bikers laws, or JW laws) all 'lock us up' in sin (we are controlled by it, dominated by it) until we throw ourselves at JESUS (GRACE) alone. Leaving behind all those rules, laws, traditions and take HIM as a person. The more you give up, and die to, the more of HIS LIFE will flow through you.
I see it as all the worlds religions (some of them seemingly very good), and all those that we judge evil or wrong (because ours is never wrong) on one side - and JESUS alone on the other.
Religion/ rules/ traditions/ laws/ my effort here - - - - JESUS here.
What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. Romans 3:9
For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.
Romans 11:32
It is Great GRACE
It is Amazing GRACE!
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