Eric: DAD, you know the wrong I do, and you know the bombardment of negative thinking that plagues me…I know, more of YOU is really all I need.
DAD: If you think
the Fellowship is about:
Meeting new people
Having fun
Singing some songs
Eating and Drinking
Did I not say that “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 14:17
Sure, the above have their place, but that is NOT the
Kingdom, if that is what you are looking for!
Eric: Is there anything else to look for? Is not
the Kingdom – everything? Didn’t you
challenge us to ‘seek ye first the kingdom of GOD’? Matthew 6:33
DAD: Then MY
Kingdom is about Righteousness, and Peace and Joy, these are ALL ‘Fruit of the SPIRIT’. Which are abundantly
produced in you, as you stay focused on JESUS (on ME). If you are looking at how you
are going to solve the problem, or like the 12 decide to go fishing – trying to
make something happen. Then NO, nothing will happen.
Fishing is your kingdom, but ‘fishing for men’ is MINE. Which world, which Kingdom, do you rather?
Trying both? Getting neither!Fishing is your kingdom, but ‘fishing for men’ is MINE. Which world, which Kingdom, do you rather?
How long have you been fishing? Catch anything? Was it worth it?
Eric: But they
saw YOU (JESUS) and then you told them to throw the net on the other side of
the boat, and they caught so much, the net started to break. It was amazing, what they caught!
DAD: MY super
abundance was right around them, with no wait, no delay no struggle except the
struggle that they couldn’t hardly handle the volume. I wouldn’t call that a problem, would you? Did I not give them exactly what they
wanted/needed? Did I not give the
children of Israel Manna and then Meat? Did I not supply power and strength to Daniel, (see Daniel
1:8-13) even when eating the lesser quality foods? What part of ME telling you ‘Not
to worry’, are you forgetting?
The temptation and everyone
gets this temptation is this; “Can GOD
prepare a table in the wilderness?” Psalm 78:19
Because the one that is after MY Heart says “YOU prepare a table in the presence of my enemies” Psalm 23:5
Which are you?
One is a ‘wicked heart of un-belief’ and the other is
someone who is ‘after MY Heart’.
MY WORD is either your building block or a stumbling block –
which is it? Either you are looking at your empty boat where you were fishing
all night. Or, you are looking for when I AM will
show up. What do you see? The disciples thought that I was dead – so, all the
talk and abundant life is over – isn’t it?
The children of Israel all thought that they were brought
out into the Wilderness led by Moses my servant and by a pillar of fire and
cloud - just to die there. And with that attitude, they did! Don’t die in the
wilderness son. Look for MY Table – it, like the catch of fish, is right before
you isn’t it?
Can’t see? You can see! Don’t ever doubt MY LOVE, stop looking at outward circumstances and outward signs.
Because what you look at is what you become.
Do you see a wilderness or a GOD that leads you through it –
or is better for you back in Egypt in slavery? The old life better? You know
better than that.
Eric: Thank you
DAD for your patience with me, I have no patience for anything apart from your
love working in me and I know you provide everything I need.
All supply comes from YOUR Hand, and my answer is just
around me, in fact right before me.
DAD: You listen to
the enemy, you listen to lies, you get duped easily as all the devil has to do
is get you looking at your situation and you are gone again.
Faith sees, Love doesn’t give up. Does a Mother ever give up
looking for her son? LOVE never gives up and I AM LOVE. So, it’s not over.
I haven’t given up on
you. My question to you is: “Have
Eric: Ha, good
point! Boy have I lots to learn.
DAD: FAITH works
through LOVE, but did I tell you that it works EASILY through it. If FAITH is a problem and it isn’t working
easily – it’s not FAITH!
Did you hear ME?
FAITH works and its simple, it needs LOVE to do it. You easily trust
your wife without even thinking about it –don’t you? That is FAITH, and someone who doesn’t trust his wife or
spouse, you guys call ‘un-faithful’ don’t you? Is it hard to trust her? Is this
some kind of effort on your part?
If it is, then you don’t love her then, do you? Stop trying
to build FAITH, and talk about it like it’s some very difficult scientific
formula you have to understand.
You can’t examine it, because it’s either there or it isn’t
and its WAY bigger than all of mankind, so you can never dissect it or study it
to master it. You can only join with it and let it (LOVE) (and FAITH in
the LOVE) take you for the ride of your life.
So, FAITH works easily with the one who knows he /she is loved, you don’t even have to think about it. Your boys have perfect faith in
that they will be fed every day - do you?
Can I prepare a table in the wilderness?
Eric: Ok, show me more please…
DAD: The table
comes to you – right where you are, in the wilderness, in front of your
enemies. You don’t go looking for it, it
finds you, in the moment of need.
Right where they think you are done, and it’s over –not so
fast, MY Table is right there. MY Table
is where I sit and sup with you, and with a table like that your enemies will
watch and flee. So, who prepares it (this table) you or ME? And by the way, don’t go looking for the
tables, in your wilderness, that is the trap, because you are looking for
JESUS, looking for ME. That table is also MY Communion Table, which reminds every
one of the Covenant you are in with ME. Nothing can stop this Covenant you are
in with ME. Even if you fail – I CAN NOT! By sitting at this table with ME, you
are reminding those around you and your enemies and all your troubles, that Your
GOD keeps Covenant.
The hardest part for the children of Israel in the
wilderness, was not the walking or eating Manna or even conquering new
territories and again in the presence of their enemies, I prepared tables for
them. But the biggest trouble was in
the waiting for MY shofar to be played and trumpeted so that they would
move again. Like the Disciples, who waited for the ‘catch of fish’. There is trouble
in waiting or there is reward in waiting, this is where the victory or defeat
are. It is right in the waiting.
Adam and Eve couldn’t wait any longer, some of MY followers
left too, as they couldn’t wait anymore. John 6:67
Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take
courage; wait for the LORD! Psalm 27:14
When you wait on ME – I work.
When you work – I wait.
Which is it?
Stay in MY LOVE son, stay in MY LOVE!
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