After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Sunday, July 1, 2012
No Effort Needed!
Question: Do we need to do anything for salvation?
When we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us. Romans 5:8
Not when we got 'good', but while we were at our worst.
Also, there is no boasting in HIS presence, (1 Cor 1:29)nothing we can say or do that qualifies us for GRACE. If you could 'qualify', then you did something to 'earn it', and thus it is NOT GRACE then.
In fact when JESUS came, HE kept 'disqualifying' everyone.
HE tells Nicodemus to be 'born again' but never tells anyone else that. (John 3)
HE tells another to 'sell all they have' but never tells that message to anyone else. Luke 18:22
HE tells the demoniac that wants to follow HIM, JESUS tells him "NO, but go home and to your friends, and tell everyone what GOD has done". Mark 5:19
Why doesn't HE tell the demoniac that wants to follow him to 'sell all he has to follow him' and do so? But wouldn't allow him to even follow?
How many preachers do you know, that when someone asks the preacher that they want to follow JESUS. That the preacher would say "NO, just simply go home and tell people what GOD has done".
NO preacher dares to say the things GRACE (JESUS is GRACE) says.
They would tell the guy, go to this church, get under the teaching of 'so & so', get a bible, read these chapters, pray everyday, and serve in the church.
JESUS said "go home".
To another group HE says "Be perfect"
Why doesn't HE tell Nicodemus to sell all he has?
Or tell the woman at the well that she must be 'born again'?
No wonder the disciples asked "who can be saved then?"
This whole thing is impossible.
Here is the scripture in GRACE.
Paul said it like this in more than one of his letters.
"HE (GOD) has locked us all (mankind) under sin, so that HE can have mercy on us all". Romans 11:32
They all didn't qualify.
News Flash: Either do you...
No one does!
All locked up under the sin, under law (which increases trespass) .
So that HE can have mercy on some? A few? The elect? The Church?
So that HE can have mercy on them all!
Everyone has sinned, we all have missed the mark.
We all like sheep have gone astray, every man has turned his own way.
All fell under Adam - Oh, I know you believe that - you can see that as you judge by your own eyes and understanding.
You don't' believe that all shall be made alive in JESUS...1 Corinthians 15:22
Wonderful, unstoppable GRACE.
Imagine a LOVE that doesn't fail - not once!
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