The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Miracle Christmas Card - from Heaven!

Some of you know I have a very dear Aunt (and I might add, that she is an 'Aunt' to many), but a few years ago, her husband (my Uncle) died.

He was an 'old school' kind of 'tough' guy, who never even learned to read or write until he was a much older adult.  Born in a time, when boys had to work and were not probably loved the way they should of been.

So, this (my) Uncle Doug was married to my Aunt Helen.

They had (like so many of us) a tough marriage at times, both looking for LOVE which only comes from GOD.  GOD is LOVE.

So my Uncle never did too many of those affection things that husbands and wives usually do for each other.
And like I said, that he never could read or write too well, made it much harder.

My Uncle Doug found the LORD (or rather the LORD found him) on his deathbed and found the ONE who is the Prince of Peace.

So where is the miracle?

We've seen and heard many testimonies of those in Heaven (after death) and JESUS HIMSELF, talking or in dreams or visions visiting us on this side.

You see Heaven starts here, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand - meaning its right around you, and touching it is not far.

Ok, so my Uncle has been missed by us for many years, my Aunt Helen of course thinks about her husband and the LORD has been so good, comforting her through these years here, without her man.

So, the other day, my mother (my Aunt Helen's sister-in-law) was cleaning some Christmas stuff up.  And we like many of you, keep Christmas Gift Bags to re-use again...and these bags of course fold flat and can be easily stored for next Christmas.  Its funny how you can recognize the same gift-bag, being used over and over again at times.

As she is folding the bags and putting them in the Christmas storage area, she sees a small bag she never saw before but it was already folded (bags fold shut when not in use, so they lie flat as mentioned.)
When this small bag caught her eye, as it wasn't 100% flat...but nothing was in it....or was there?

She thought maybe some wrapping paper might have been stuck in there, and she opened the gift bag only to be really surprised...

Inside this small gift bag, was a Christmas Card.

She didn't recognize the card - remember she didn't recognize the little gift bag either.
The card said "To My Wife".

Wondering how this card even got there, she was utterly shocked when she opened it...

It reads:

"For My Wife, My Reason for Happiness

You've created something wonderful in my life,
something beautiful that was never there
before I married you.

Being with you has given new meaning
to each sunrise we share and each new day
we welcome together.

And in all of our love and our closeness.
I've found something within, a confidence, 
a strength, I never knew without you...."

My Mother (in her own house) never saw this card, and my Dad never gave this card to her.

So she surprised wondered who the card was for and opened it...

"You are my inspiration
my reason for happiness.
You are my wife
and my joy forever.

Merry Christmas
with My Love Always."

Signed: "Doug" xxxxx

Note: 5 "X's" for kisses.
5 is the number of GRACE

Blown away and really wondering how this card got in our yearly re-used gift bags.
Uncle Doug had been gone for 4 years, but our family hadn't seen him for even more years than that.

Knowing our GOD is the GOD of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3

And knowing the SPIRIT is also called "the Comforter". John 14:26

This would bring a lot of comfort to my Aunt Helen.

So my mother, feeling like something supernatural and strange yet lovely was happening, put the card back into the small gift bag, and gave it to my Aunt Helen a day later.

You should have seen their faces.

"They look to HIM and they are radiant" the bible tells us in Psalm 34:5

Seeing that JESUS by HIS SPIRIT gave a Christmas Card signed by my Uncle who never really signed anything or wrote much of anything to my Aunt from the other side of Heaven - well, we could hardly contain ourselves with great comfort and joy.

And isn't this time of year as Christmas the time we reflect on JESUS brings us "Tidings of Comfort and Joy"
See Jeremiah 31:13

Well, its not too often you get a card from Heaven.

We know of another story, of a man that lost his wife, and was so mournful over the loss and missed her to no ends.

Every night (this is also a true story) he went to bed, alone and weeping (for he really missed her).

One night he awoke, but wondered if he was dreaming, and saw an Angel at the foot of his bed.
Alarmed, and staring in wonder, the Angel told him "be at peace".  The man, felt peace but didn't know what to say or do.

The Angel then asked for the wet pillow.

"Why?" asked the man in amazement.

"Because GOD holds all your tears in a bottle, and cherishes them" said the Angel.

Then the man fell into a deep sleep.
When awaking, he thought, that was the most amazing dream, only to find his pillow case was gone!

My precious friend, if you've been lonely or sad over the loss of your partner or family member.

JESUS holds your tears.
Give HIM your sorrows, and trust HIM to bring you real comfort in your time of need.


Don't be surprised that while you entertain stranger, you are entertaining Angels.
Don't be surprised if GOD comforts you with LOVE from Heaven in ways you can't describe.

As HE is the GOD of ALL COMFORT!


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