The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, May 6, 2021


King James Bible Is It The Best Version?

I grew up and the King James Version was the ONLY scripture all others were considered garbage. (some even considered them sin, they were held in contempt)


So, because its so ground in me and many of us, it is still used or remembered.

But it is really mistranslated in many places and they have added scripture in order to add to the fear that "King James" wanted over his people.

For example the Hebrew word "sheol" is translated as "grave, or the place of the dead" but in king james 66 times is translated as "the pit", "the grave" and "hell" 31 of the 66 times!

What King, doesn't want to give his subjects hell?  Fear is good for control, you know.

Also a pet peeve of mine is Romans 8:1 is a beautiful scripture, here it is: "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those in (union) with CHRIST JESUS"

BTW you are already in Union with HIM because HE comes to us, HE pursues us and makes us HIS home (but that is another lesson)

SO...They butcher this grace filled verse by Adding "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

This terrible addition makes a verse that is 100% grace (which Paul only preached) to a legalistic condition added to your Christian walk.

They NOW say, you are "not condemned" if you walk in the spirit but you are condemned if you walk in the flesh.

There were days when I did wrong, so I was obviously 'in the flesh' and i felt guilty and bad and now realized that I was condemned.(that made me feel worse!)

I was then feeling I was in and out and loved and rejected. A psychopath god and a dysfunctional relationship. This brings you to no power, no freedom, no joy in the HOLY SPIRIT.

Acts 13:52 Romans 14:17

Here is the Mirror Bible (which is one of my favorites) paraphrase-translation of Romans 8:1

"Now the decisive conclusion is this: In CHRIST, every bit of condemning evidence against us is cancelled" 

That is really good news, that is the gospel!

If you follow my blog, from time to time, I use the King James version, but let the SPRIIT of Grace always make alive the scripture you are reading, HE (SPIRIT) is your great teacher/counselor leading you into all truth.  Don't beg for this, you have this start believing you do.

I pray at times - "DAD what are you saying here?"

Lastly, the book of James is really the book of Jacob. There are many other mistranslated verses, but just keep your eyes on JESUS the ONE who is the author (creator) of faith and the ONE who completes (faith) in you.

And who, but a king would name the Bible after himself?

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