The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Sunday, October 9, 2022

What happens when JESUS catches you in sin? Read because it happened in the bible

 In John 8 it talks about a woman dragged in front of the entire town caught in the 'act' of adultery.  This law is found in Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found lying with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel." So its pretty self explanatory the problem is they caught her in the 'Act' but where is the guy???  

Now women were not treated at all well in these Jewish Roman times.  In fact the Pharisees prayer in the morning was that these 'self described holy men' was and I quote : " Thank you GOD (Jehovah) that you have made me a man and not a woman..." and the self righteous prayer continues.  Without going into a huge discussion on the mistreatment of women during these Bible times they were considered very low even by many husbands.   

So this woman thrown naked in front of the town (in the town circle) knew she was going to be stoned to death.  There was nobody (she thought) that could stand up for her, and her own family /friends wouldn't want to come forward and defend her or speak up for her because they weren't as bad as - that!  Now the people and Pharisees tried to claim that she according to Deuteronomy and Leviticus 20:10 she deserves to die.     You have to understand this verse :  its in the very beginning of the Gospels John 1:17 "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."    

Moses gave the Jewish people the law, it was made up of 613 laws that were summed up or for quick reference the 10 commandments but there were 613.

So Moses gave the law BUT.....BUT did you read it?  But, grace and truth came through JESUS CHRIST.   If you want Truth then don't listen to Moses listen to the ONE who IS Truth - JESUS.  Remember I am the way, the truth...  And Moses gave the law but the law could only show you how bad (and it still does to this day) someone is.  Grace is the unmerited favor and its GODS power of love (unconditional love) to change you to save you to heal you to provide for you

But here was this woman, naked and probably in the fetal position trembling on the dirt road.  Trying to brace herself of certain death.

When JESUS (who's job is to save you, HIS name alone means GOD SAVES) so HE could do nothing less and simply asked "anyone here without sin, throw the first stone"  They didn't like JESUS,  they were afraid of HIM, because they knew HE was righteous and nothing like themselves. JESUS would be the only one able/worthy to throw a rock/stone but HE said in John 3:17 "the Son of Man didn't' come into the world to condemn it but to save (sozo) it. " 

When they all took off, the older ones leaving first, dropping their stones she was left alone with HIM - we all have to leave our religious life come naked and alone without our religious ideas or legal garments on and come just as we are finding HIS welcoming us to the life of the Kingdom of Grace.   She felt love from a man (JESUS is 100% man and 100% GOD figure it out, think about that) and she never felt love (GODS unconditional love) like that before!!  

in the safe arms of love and compassion & comfort her Savior said "as you go, you dont need to live a life of sin.'   Grace brings you to a higher love level.  You don't need the fake shallow lust of man you need to know (experience) the tender love of JESUS that changes everything.   Again I repeat myself there is no sin problem its a love problem.  And she was set free (that woman) whom the SON sets free they are free indeed.   This is John 8:36 the same chapter where we meet this sister in the LORD the woman caught in the act of adultery.  You see she realized looking into the KING'S eyes of love that she was a princess. Princess's dont open their legs to casual guys or tramp themselves around - why? They are princess's and so you are, sin shall not rule over you.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Old covenant was types and shadows but the reality is JESUS CHRIST.  (Colossians 2:17) And then Paul and the disciples expanded this Amazing Grace to understand it better.  We are now a royal priesthood, a chosen people, a holy nation. GODS special prized possession  1 Peter 2:9  The disciples went from servants to friends to sons. And that is where we are now - sons and daughters having a better covenant (Hebrews 8:6) and I believe we are learning and writing further bible chapters (our lives) elaborating on HIS Grace as the SPIRIT teaches more and more about SPIRITUAL things.

Additional thoughts>>> if GOD was blood thirsty wanting death/destruction - can't wait to smash people when they step out of line. Then you would have no problem believing this angry/madman (GOD) is quick to throw in hell everyone that doesn't say a prayer right or can't quite forgive someone or can't even forgive him/herself.   But then why does HE say that HE loves the world so much? (John 3:16/17) And not only love it but will not condemn it? Why does HE say that its possible for mother to (maybe) perhaps abandon a child but GOD could not ever (its impossible) for GOD to abandon you!

Isaiah 49:15 "“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!"

its about love, GOD is love - anything else its either HIS loving discipline Hebrews 12:6 but NOT punishment, NOT hell, NOT torment, NOT "i will getcha" .   

I was counselling /encouraging one churchy lady years ago, she came into our Healing rooms drop in centre in Toronto for prayer.  She told me she was going through some very tough times. There was sickness and wayward son and a come & go husband. She told me it was "God" who was punishing her, that God (in the problem) was taking her behind the shed and giving her a whooping ..letting her have it.  That this "God" has to and wants to do this because she deserved it and this God wouldn't/shouldn't be messed with.  She was cursed (she thought and her thoughts became real and she created this world) but she was convinced that there was sin in her life and wrong going on, so that this God HAD TO do it. 

 I asked how did that make her feel? She said well its a very scary place and very dark. She can't sleep well and she is always prepared for the other shoe to fall off and she would get another deserved ass kicking by this God.

I said "Your God sounds more like my devil!"

She was shocked - I mean she just stared at me and thought this God would now strike me dead just for talking sacrilegious foolishness.

She stormed out, shaking her head not really able to comprehend and yet not wanting for me to give another word  - and certainly didn't want me praying for her.

I think the SPIRIT made HIS point to her, always revealing the true nature of GOD to us. 

Remember the fruit of the SPIRIT we are supposed to grow and have?  "the fruit of the SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" this is the SPRIITS fruit - this is what GOD is like and by partaking the Devine nature (by believing what HE says) we start producing these things and living this (abundant) life.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Faith That Overcomes

 Faith That Overcomes

I think we have to, like you said, trust GOD (who is inside us) through these troubles & trials. But also keep in mind all throughout the bible, everyone went through tons of times where saints were in all kinds of troubling situations and they all wondered or said "GOD where are you?"  I've done this myself many times....

I think its normal to have thoughts like this, we feel (at times) abandoned or "why did this happen?"  or the enemy in our mind says: "You know if you were a true believer, you wouldn't be having this problem".  Or the enemy says "why don't you just curse GOD an die?" (Job 2:9) "My GOD My GOD why have you forsaken me?" (Psalm 22:1 and Mark 15:34) These thoughts are human/normal for all of us. We know, of course that these thoughts, undermine our rock solid connection with the SPIRIT who is in you always/forever and who is AS you. You are that connected - as one.  

And, in this negative state, I think we have to strengthen ourselves in the LORD (in the I AM) just like David did in 1 Samuel 30:6.  because the world can deal us quite a blow at times. So we go back and remind ourselves how we got through other impossible times and with HIS love working for me, I will and have already gotten through this "now" problem.   

David gets threatened and chased off his throne and out of his castle as his son Absalom vowed to kill David (his father).   David says at that time of running and fleeing both Absalom and the entire army that Absalom swayed over to his side and are hell-bent on killing the king! 

David prays /says this" LORD, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me. Many are saying of me "GOD will not deliver (save) him".

David later (during this time of fleeing and hiding from Absalom) prays (imagines) Psalm 23 and says "HE restores my soul"  meaning GOD brings me back to where I started and restores my life, castles, losses, dignity, wellbeing, etc... David was now strengthening himself in GOD.  Read all psalm 23 and see how he (David) sees himself as a sheep with GOD being the ever present and loving shepherd.

Hebrews 11 talks about living the life of faith (faith is simply trusting GODS faithfulness)  HE actually gives you faith in HIMSELF! 

Now in Hebrews 11 talks about all these great people of faith from Enoch taken from life without dying and Noah building an ark on dry land. To Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and  Joseph to the walls of Jericho to Rahab the prostitute to Gideon and Samson to David and Samuel and all the prophets.

Hebrews 11 :31-35 .."who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. 35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection..."

This part haunts me "..refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection"    

Haunts meaning this scripture plays wonderfully on my mind, it means so much.  Our faith is not mystical like we are trying to conjure something up or make GOD do something that HE is unwilling to do.  Our faith is in HIS faithfulness.  I've said this before but If my wife calls and says she is going to make pizza for dinner, i trust in her trust worthiness, meaning she makes amazing home made pizza and when she says she is going to make it (me and our boys are over-joyed) but we know its going to happen, we simply trust (have faith) in her ability and her willingness and her honesty.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

JESUS looks at faith - how?


We know HIS promise is to heal. Its the same word as "saved".  If you are saved, that word is Sozo and it means delivered, set free, provided for, healed, strengthened. Saying that and I've seen lots of it in my family we  are right it (healing) can seem elusive, at times, 

I've seen it come real fast and other-times painfully slow. There are times when I'm talking the words just fly out powerfully and other times, I don't even seem to make sense to myself let alone others.

I thought of this verse when listening to your video...the SPIRIT prompted me by saying this (in my inner (kingdom of heaven) thoughts)  was "How did JESUS see faith?"

Which brought me to Luke 5.  Its the story when the guys brought their paralytic friend and couldn't get into the house because of the crowd. So they got to the roof and lowered their diseased friend through the tiles and roof down to JESUS in the middle of the crowded room and as the scripture says in Luke 5:20 "When JESUS saw their faith..."    Faith was simply reaching out to JESUS.  Simply throwing yourself at HIS feet.  The friends helped their paralytic buddy to get there - was FAITH.  They placed their friend at HIS feet.

Notice JESUS then says still in verse 20 "Friend your sins are forgiven.."   Note; the term "friend" in the Bible was not a Facebook "friend" we use the word friend so easily. The word friend was ONLY to be used with someone that is in covenant - you are a friend if you are a covenant keeping person, that would do anything you can for your "friend".  I no longer call you servants but friends.(see John 15:15) these are covenant keeping brothers/sisters.  You can tell the guys lowering the paralytic down were real friends trying to do anything for their fallen buddy. Covenant! 

The other time I could find was JESUS getting on a boat in Matthew 9 and when He got to the other side in vs 2 "Just then some men brought to Him a paralytic lying on a mat. When JESUS saw their faith..."  Here it is again.  Faith was simply taking JESUS at His word - I'm coming, I'm here and HE sees faith because HE IS the faith.  HE responds to faith just like you do.  When someone reaches out to you in love with some need we say it was done in "good faith" - you respond, you WANT to help or do what you can.     its the same thing...

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Pray the way you were never taught


David said in Psalm 5:3 "Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly."  I think like the father in the prodigal son story in Luke 15. This father was watching/expecting his son to return (one-day).   When you got saved, how did you know?  You just believed it and said yes - amen its mine.  The moment you sinned, did you doubt your salvation?  Healing and Salvation are the same "Sozo" word.   We seem to have no problem believing our sins are forgiven but have a hard time believing we are healed!   When JESUS walked on the earth, they had no problem believing JESUS healed but stumbled and refused to believe that HE can forgive sins (the opposite).   

They complained that ONLY GOD can forgive sins. "“Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Mark 2:7

I think we struggle at times believing the good news (gospel) at how good it really is.  Its supposed to be so good that you can't contain it.  Its supposed to be so good, you cant help talking about it to everyone.  Its supposed to be so good you would praise GOD and cheer when in prison (chains-Paul did)... So that your faith isn't based on some amazing prophets words, my words, some pastors words, or even the words of the bible but that your faith would rest on the SPIRIT'S power.  

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith would not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:5   Too many churchy folks are trying to rest their faith on what someone said or some pastors word-of-faith, rather link back and remember seeing a time of GODs power, some miracle and say like David - I have killed lions and bears, (protecting his sheep) and I will do the same to this pagan Philistine, who has defied the army of the living God. 1 Samuel 17:36