The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Sunday, October 9, 2022

What happens when JESUS catches you in sin? Read because it happened in the bible

 In John 8 it talks about a woman dragged in front of the entire town caught in the 'act' of adultery.  This law is found in Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found lying with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel." So its pretty self explanatory the problem is they caught her in the 'Act' but where is the guy???  

Now women were not treated at all well in these Jewish Roman times.  In fact the Pharisees prayer in the morning was that these 'self described holy men' was and I quote : " Thank you GOD (Jehovah) that you have made me a man and not a woman..." and the self righteous prayer continues.  Without going into a huge discussion on the mistreatment of women during these Bible times they were considered very low even by many husbands.   

So this woman thrown naked in front of the town (in the town circle) knew she was going to be stoned to death.  There was nobody (she thought) that could stand up for her, and her own family /friends wouldn't want to come forward and defend her or speak up for her because they weren't as bad as - that!  Now the people and Pharisees tried to claim that she according to Deuteronomy and Leviticus 20:10 she deserves to die.     You have to understand this verse :  its in the very beginning of the Gospels John 1:17 "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."    

Moses gave the Jewish people the law, it was made up of 613 laws that were summed up or for quick reference the 10 commandments but there were 613.

So Moses gave the law BUT.....BUT did you read it?  But, grace and truth came through JESUS CHRIST.   If you want Truth then don't listen to Moses listen to the ONE who IS Truth - JESUS.  Remember I am the way, the truth...  And Moses gave the law but the law could only show you how bad (and it still does to this day) someone is.  Grace is the unmerited favor and its GODS power of love (unconditional love) to change you to save you to heal you to provide for you

But here was this woman, naked and probably in the fetal position trembling on the dirt road.  Trying to brace herself of certain death.

When JESUS (who's job is to save you, HIS name alone means GOD SAVES) so HE could do nothing less and simply asked "anyone here without sin, throw the first stone"  They didn't like JESUS,  they were afraid of HIM, because they knew HE was righteous and nothing like themselves. JESUS would be the only one able/worthy to throw a rock/stone but HE said in John 3:17 "the Son of Man didn't' come into the world to condemn it but to save (sozo) it. " 

When they all took off, the older ones leaving first, dropping their stones she was left alone with HIM - we all have to leave our religious life come naked and alone without our religious ideas or legal garments on and come just as we are finding HIS welcoming us to the life of the Kingdom of Grace.   She felt love from a man (JESUS is 100% man and 100% GOD figure it out, think about that) and she never felt love (GODS unconditional love) like that before!!  

in the safe arms of love and compassion & comfort her Savior said "as you go, you dont need to live a life of sin.'   Grace brings you to a higher love level.  You don't need the fake shallow lust of man you need to know (experience) the tender love of JESUS that changes everything.   Again I repeat myself there is no sin problem its a love problem.  And she was set free (that woman) whom the SON sets free they are free indeed.   This is John 8:36 the same chapter where we meet this sister in the LORD the woman caught in the act of adultery.  You see she realized looking into the KING'S eyes of love that she was a princess. Princess's dont open their legs to casual guys or tramp themselves around - why? They are princess's and so you are, sin shall not rule over you.

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