The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Friday, January 22, 2010

The sin nature is the problem - LOVE is the answer!

If sin is the problem (its actually our sin nature that is the problem) but LOVE is the answer...

Ok, so if we agree that LOVE is the key. (it is in fact the only key) and the highest command, there is nothing higher or more powerful and we are told (1 Corinthians 13:8) that it 'never fails'.

They asked JESUS what the greatest command was in Matthew 22:36-40. HE told them that everything 'hung' on this love!... See More

Love is the answer, because which law would I break if I loved you?

what wrong would I do if I loved you?
would I hurt you if I loved you?
would I take from you, exploit and manipulate you if I loved you?
would I speak hurtful things behind your back if I loved you?
would I hold grudges and unforgiveness if I loved you?

Because JESUS doesn't treat us like that.

wouldn't I share with you, give to you?
wouldn't I give you advise and help based only on what is best for you!
wouldn't I speak well of you and encourage you?
wouldn't I always forgive and - not keep track of wrongs?

You can't say 'you love GOD and hurt your fellow man' because if you love GOD you wouldn't hurt others. 1 John 4:20 and if you love others (doing good to others) then you are loving GOD as well. Matthew 25:40

Conversely if you hurt his kids, then you are hurting GOD too. Acts 9:4, Acts 26:14 also Luke 17:2

Aren't we all made in HIS image?

Love is always kind and always knows what to do.
We tell our boys, that if they are in a situation and don't know what to do then, choose love.

But here is the HUGE problem...
your love and my 'love' is no good.

For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out Romans 7:18

Every religion of the world teaches to do good.
They all agree not to hurt your fellow man, not to steal and not to lie for example.
Anybody with 1/2 a brain would want a world of good but never realizes that they are powerless to make any lasting change.

So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. Romans 7:21

Now a law is fixed, unbending and forever established.

The second problem is that we can't even love our neighbours let alone our enemies. The standard remember is GOD's standard (not our own) and HIS standard is to love our enemies
not just those that love us because even 'bad guys' do that!

He lets the rain fall on the just and the unjust -Matthew 5:45

So we remember that love has to be like GOD (because GOD is love) that is why HE said that
we should turn the other cheek and pray for those that hurt us and use us.

Did JESUS turn the other cheek when punched? Did HE not pray for those killing HIM?
see Matthew 27:27-31 especially vs 30 also see Luke 6:28 & Matthew 5:43-45

JESUS did that on the cross (Luke 23:34) and Stephen also learned how to have the same love (Acts 7:54-60 especially vs 60)

If its based on my love, then I fail because my love is flawed and selfish.
If its based on me then I must 'save' myself - I must remedy the situation - I must be good.

Sorry - love is a person so is good (Luke 18:19) also and so is evil (Matthew 12:34)
(they are not character traits they are persons).

If we are honest, we come to the conclusion that - I can't do this...I am not that loving - I (in and of myself) is no good.
But if I live my life based on me trying to do good, trying to love, then CHRIST died for nothing! Galatians 2:21

You don't need HIM - you can do it yourself.

So, if you agree that LOVE is the supreme and highest order, then the next question
is how do I achieve it? Is it based on me and what I should do, or some other love?

How was JESUS like this? How was Stephen like this?

If love is the answer, the goal, how do we attain it?


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