After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Sunday, February 7, 2010
Bike Riding Vision...(July 18, 2009)
I was re-reading one of my older prayer journal and
thought I would add this one to the blog.
When we realize that we are really nothing and
that HE (JESUS) is everything and all you really need
and crave (is a person - JESUS) and nothing else.
And believe HE speaks.
Through people - yes.
Through bible - yes.
Through stories - yes.
Through dreams - yes.
Through visions - yes.
Through thoughts - yes.
Now, not every vision or dream or thought or person
or bible verse is nesessarily speaking to you.
You could pick up your bible and read the first thing
it says - and it may or may not be a word for you.
Lets not forget that JESUS is the WORD (so of course
HE knows HIS own WORDS). But the devil (who isn't obviously
the word) knows scripture too. And quotes it.
There was a time in the bible, where a woman poured
expensive perfume on JESUS feet and was told off, because
that perfume should be sold and the money given to the poor.
Mark 14:5
Nobel and seemingly good advise - right?
Nothing could be more sinister and wrong!
So don't believe everything you hear and as the scripture
encourages - test everything!
1 Thessalonians 5:21
But, be open to the fact that GOD speaks to you.
My sheep hear my voice JESUS said! John 10:27
And also, the only reason you don't hear my voice is
because you are not one of my sheep!
John 8:47
He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not
hear is that you do not belong to God."
So, its important to hear.
Some of you already do, and just can't differentiate
between the devils thoughts/voice, your own and the LORD
JESUS's voice and thoughts.
Some don't hear, because sadly they do not belong to GOD.
Ok, so what was the vision?
Read on...
Bike Vision and Word from the LORD
Papa spoke to me: "Are you disappointed with ME?"
I was stunned by the question, and many times HE has
had that sort of impact on me.
Eric answerd the LORD: "I never really thought about it
like that, but YOU know all things, and I guess in some
areas I thought there would be some greater improvement.
So, I have some disappointments, but I guess not really in YOU."
Then the LORD showed me a vision of myself learning to ride
a bicycle (as a youngster) and I was wobbling and teatering
and now almost falling!
Then Dad (PAPA) would grab hold of me and steady me.
(I couldn't see HIS face, because in my vision I was to
nervous of falling of this shaky bike).
PAPA (The LORD spoke to me): "That was a vision of you
in the spiritual!"
"So, here is MY question, (the LORD continued), when your
little ones were just learning to ride their bikes, in there
un-steadyness/wobbling, was it success or failure?
Satisfaction or dissapointement?"
What I learned was this:
HE loves you - big time and as you are just learning to walk or
ride or do all these new and little things in HIS KINGDOM,
HE (PAPA) is so proud of you.
The wobbles,
The teatering,
The almost falling...
Oh, you said you've fallen.
Thats OK, as long as they are lessons learned
in the progress of improvement.
(if you stay down there and don't want to change
then thats a different blog - not this one).
PAPA is watching you. (out of love)
PAPA is catching you.
PAPA is holding you.
Though our ups and downs of this CHRISTIAN journey.
The JESUS Journey!
Here is the Lesson, get back on the bike! Wobbles and all - PAPA is with you!
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