Now, GOD (who is LOVE) is not going to sit back and let
lies, damage you. If lies continue long enough and are believed,
then they become 'truth' to the person believing the lie.
Meaning you start to live your life believing the lie to be true.
Note: Real TRUTH is a person - again, its JESUS.
JESUS said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE"...
John 14:6
They believe a lie for so long, they can't see or handle
the truth because they are under great delusion.
Like the old line from the movie "You can't handle the truth",
spoken by Jack Nicholson in a 'Few Good Men'.
In fact MOST people have a hard time believing the TRUTH,
many who claim to be Christians don't believe what GOD says.
If they did, it would change their thinking.
We are expected to 'Renew our minds' - Romans 12:2
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to
test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Renewing your mind is something you choose to do - your choice.
You have to start to believe what GOD says in a world that is contrary
to everything HE says.
When you believe (for example) that it is all about HIS GRACE
and not anything you do or can do, and you throw yourself at HIS feet
and take HIS LOVE, GRACE then as you believe that your mind starts
to be renewed.
When that happens you can test and approve (see and experience) GOD's
will for your life. Scary will? Fearful will?
NO - Good, Pleasing and Perfect (just like JESUS!)
Most in the world, don't believe what GOD has said (and don't
receive HIS super abundant life) because they just don't know.
Its up to us (JESUS leading us by GRACE) to share the 'Good News'
with a world, that just doesn't know.
But, if you believe a lie then you naturally oppose the truth.
We say in our family, that the 'lie becomes like truth to the
Here's a real life current example:
Its the same in parenting. We have 2 boys and they act
like brothers do. But sometimes when mother disciplines
one of them, they might say "mother doesn't love me".
The devil likes hearing that (he can't read your mind) but
he can hear you. The devil will back that lie up with something
to prove your belief in the lie is true.
Note: If you want to know why the devil can't read minds
(although he can sure talk and run you down) but he can't
read minds. email or ask me to share why I believe that,
and am working on a little blog on that note as well.
So, our son mildly believes that Mom, doesn't love him.
The next day, Mom is handing out dessert and accidentally
gives one son, more or seemingly gets more than the
disgruntled one.
The devil whispers - 'see, I told you she loved the other more
than you'.
He re-enforces the simple lie.
The next day both boys have a great day and Dad (me) walks
in and sees their rooms are clean, and homework done and
praises both boys equally for good work.
The devil again piles the lie a little bigger and deeper and
whispers to the one doubting Mom's love. "You know you
did more work cleaning your room and more homework then
your brother, but you got only equal praise from Dad. "
Satan continues, "See they (Dad & Mom) are always in agreement, and
see, they are both against you now".
This isn't just a funny story, it happens to all of us and if not
diffused and over come with the TRUTH in LOVE, the lie gets to (some
point down the road) what the Bible calls a stronghold.
Note: We are supposed to speak the TRUTH in LOVE. Ephesians 4:15
In this case the lie was already taking some root and
it started to change our sons behaviour a little bit.
How do we diffuse it? What always works?
Sitting son down with the entire family. And calling the lie
out...Dad says "Son, we have a feeling because you've been angry lately
at everyone especially Mom, that something bothering you."
Dad continues the mini talk " We love you dearly and are so proud of you."
Mom, leans over and gives (hurting son) a hug/kiss and says
"I love you very much". (affirms the truth).
Then reminding him that the devil tried to divide you from us
again. The devil's only trick is lies and he is an expert at
spinning them. He's been doing it for a very long time.
The devil also likes to 'divide what GOD wants to unify'
and 'unify what GOD wants to divide'.
"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not
gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30
If we can, we usually try to get in this case, our son to affirm
out loud the truth. "Mom, I know you love me", would be a good thing
for him to say.
Now this can take a while, there are no 'set words to say' because if it
doesn't come spontaneously with love - it wont work.
Why is like that? Why can't it be arranged and predicted?
GOD is SPIRIT, and like the wind, you can't forecast how HE moves
or how HE does it. (Real LOVE is like that too).
But if you are open to love, and spontaneity,
because HE moves like that, then you will walk 'the love walk' and
leave the 'hard stuff' to HIM.
Love is spontaneous, Faith is spontaneous, Worship is spontaneous.
John 4:24
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
How do we worship, spontaneously!
Read my (LORD WILLING) next blog on the Spontaneous life of worship!
The LORD asks : 'Who believes our report' - who trusts our message?
Isaiah 53
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