This question came our way and our response to it (as the LORD gives it to us).
A Dream about Hitler
Last night had a dream about hitler. It went like this:
Firstly I was in a house and I looked at ths painting of Hitler. He had his typical grey nazi uniform with the belt across his chest with al the nazi paraphanalia, badges etc. It was a strange painting becuse it showed him with bigger than usual eyes that made him look young, about 19. It has a glow around him and he had what looked lime a sword made from a purple tenticle, which also glowed slightly. I looked and he suddenly moved and was standing like he was standing behind a counter. the tenticle sword started flopping and he was straightening it out.
Next thing I saw myself walking out side the back of the house, which looked a lot bigger and seemed to morph into a hotel. I walked up to this old wall and to my right I saw hitler again chanting and making noises like he was amassing troops to fight. He was shouting a speech and gearing up the hordes. I looked aheads and saw thousands of black suited soldiers with red bits on their uniforms, shouting in agreement. They were a long way off, about the distance of a football field or longer and were in rows as far back as I could see. behind them was darkness and some other forms I could not make out. Suddenly i was spotted and I saw Hitler motion to the hordes to get me. They all started running towards me shouting. i turned to run and climb over the wall, but for some reason my legs wouldnt move so i tried to haul myself up over the wall but I still couldnt get my legs over.
Then I woke up.
I was then a bit peeved with myself for not calling on the name of Jesus to scatter and destroy these hordes.
Anyway thats how it went.
Comments Please signed __________
This is what we wrote:
Dear ________________
The dream is a warning (GOD always gives the way out)
Here is the scripture the LORD gave me with your dream.
Revelation 2:6
But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate
Nico = means to 'rule over' or 'dominate'
Laitans = we get the term 'laity' or people, the people.
Meaning to 'rule over the people'.
That is exactly what Hitler did!
Have you been thinking, or wondering about church (as you know it) and the rule of pastor or board or 'religious control'?
The house is the church building as you knew it, the vastness is (morphing into a hotel etc..) is the true size of it, with all of the devils hoards in line (all listening to this 'Hitler', which is a religious demon controlling people).
Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Revelation 2: 15-16
The LORD is against this, and will fight with HIS Sword against it (against the devils sword) - we should too! We are told to repent over it (take GOD'S way not our own).
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