We had a unique Bible Study/Fellowship the other day as it landed the day
before Halloween.
Now Halloween is a very interesting time of year. When we were a younger family as Christians, we never participated in Halloween knowing that it was a pagan celebration. But know when we understood GRACE and knowing that Halloween actually means "Holy Eve". Its the Holy evening before 'All Saints Day' the day the believers remember the saints of old.
But there is something way more important about 'dressing up' that we don't realize as its more sinister and deeper than meets the eye.
You see, we all where masks, life it seems is a full masquerade. We all where false images of our selves portraying to others exactly what we are NOT! We show (either in a Church gathering, or in the world) how 'strong' we are, how 'together' we have it, how powerful, how successful, how smart, how rich, how influencial, how educated, now connected, how athletic, how beautiful - when its all fake, false.
We are not saying that nobody is smart or beautiful or athletic, but we hide what we really are behind this. We are really fearful, nervous, sinful, week, confused, and worried.
We worry if we measure up, worry if we'll have enough, worry if our children will 'make it', worry if we will make it, worry about the future, the goverment, with fears of life and fears of death. In one word - pathetic.
All of our achievements, don't really satisfy and the burden we carry trying to continually fill it with everything from money to sex to power to 'things' only to find we were left un-fulfilled, un-satisfied. But the mask, the 'dress up' shows everyone what we want to portray! Only knowing in our heart - its a lie. Never really good enough but not allowing anyone to come close, to really see the real us, for fear that 'if you new about me, you wouldn't like me'.
But that 'mess' is exactly the way GOD wants us to come.
Because HE is LOVE (the bible says that GOD is LOVE), HE wants what is best for you.
Also we read that LOVE rejoices and only seeks the TRUTH.
Again LOVE is a person
But so is TRUTH.
They are the same person and rejoice with and in each other because they complete
each other!
So coming to GOD, 'just the way I am', and seeing ourselves as real sinners, a real mess and unable to fix it or make it right. Coming to HIM who knows us better than we know ourselves, because HE made you - and only HE knows how to 'fix you'.
That is how we come to GOD, and enter the light, throwing away our masks and allowing the truth and light to penetrate all of the dark, and fearful issues we have and get healed or as JESUS promises 'Saved'.
Saved from the curse, Saved from wrath, Saved from ourselves.
Come to JESUS
Enter the LIGHT
All you have to do is come!
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