It was a typical morning.
I drank my tea.
Read some of the Bible (I was reading Isaiah 53, in the Message Translation).
Had some breakfast and sat where I usually sit, on the far end of the table.
When I was finished, reading, drinking, eating I got up and was about to leave
until I saw the newspaper left at the other end of the table.
I sat down read some of the paper and got up to leave with blackberry in hand, getting ready to start work.
The LORD spoke to me: "Do you see both ends of the table where you sat?"
"Yes," I answered in my SPIRIT.
The LORD continued: "Is that a story of your life? A little bit of the WORD, and a little bit of the world?"
The Bible on one end representing the WORD and the newspaper on the other representing the world and the things of the world.
"I guess, never thought about that", I answered again.
"Do you see 2 parts of your life - or 1 in ME?" asked JESUS again.
I was thinking - I'm never good at getting the 'right answers' when the LORD
asks me.
JESUS continues, "Don't see your self as spiritual because you read the bible and now worldly because you read the newspaper. You can be in the flesh doing both or in the SPIRIT doing both. Its not what you do or what you don't do, but who you are in ME! Or are you trying to live in the flesh which is trying to live without ME".
Living for youself, or living for others (ME and everyone else).
That was my lesson, and the picture is the exact picture as I saw it when I was
walking out of my kitchen and then heard HIS voice and now you know the rest of the story.
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