A Haunting
I need a little help.
First off I promise I'm not crazy. I have not been alone in some of these 'experiences'.
While I have had strange experiences in my life I have always been able to 'explain' them away but lately that's getting harder to do.
In the last three years a lot of really crazy stuff has been going on around me and I'm just not sure how to stop it.
I've experienced seeing red figures who stand and stare at me (daylight hours and 'disappear' once I notice them, once a man and once a woman. Both were dressed fully in bright red clothing and although I 'saw' them I couldn't tell you what they looked like beyond their genders). Things throwing themselves at me (apples, candles, paper even!). Voices calling my name (not voices I recognize). Sounds that can't be traced to their source (I investigate rather then quietly cower in fear). Even glowing yellow cat eyes in the dark of my hallway when there are no animals in the home (with no explicable light source or reflective surface to explain it away). Many of these experiences have been shared by my roommate (the noises, the figures that disappear, etc).
I'm the world's biggest skeptic but after a year of this I have come to the conclusion that either I'm being followed by 'something' or I'm losing my mind. Clearly the former is the less frightening possibility.
These things aren't occurring only at night or when I'm asleep and startled awake which rules out sleep paralysis, sleep hallucinations, etc. They happen whether I am alone or with others. They are far more violent when I am alone (while in church a candle threw itself across the room and slammed into the wall behind me - things being thrown at me is an experience that I have no witnesses for and quite frankly those experiences were more frightening then the red figures even because they defied all logic). This started three years ago when I moved in with my roommate and has continued through three moves so I don't think this is related to the homes I'm living in.
Ignoring this doesn't seem to help.
I have no idea how to handle this.
I hope this is the right place to ask for some help.
I am going to attempt blessing the home tonight and dedicating it to God. My roommate is Christian also so she's going to assist. We have never blessed our home before so we're not sure how to even go about that but neither of us have attended church since moving in so we have no minister we can call in for assistance
Here is the answer we gave:
Take real heart!
It sounds like your friend has something to do with all this.
We've seen demons manifest, and beds shaking and demons appearing (in spirit form) and I tell you they are all defeated at the CROSS.
Note: we are not seeking them, but they manifest when you are helping and praying for people from time to time.
We seek JESUS and HIS GRACE only!
Luke 10: 18-20
18He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
Read again those precious promises and victory in Colossians 1 and 2 showing you that satan is defeated. Read them, believe them and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to open your eyes to see more of how lovely, how available and how big JESUS is!
The devils only weapon is deception and it boils down to what you believe.
(or who you are going to believe).
Don't let people tell you its not real. or you need someone -you've got the greatest SOMEONE in the universe inside you!
My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23
How do you use HIS authority in you?
The authority is over demons never people (thats witchcraft/manipulation)
Speak your rebuke and insist on your victory (even if it doesn't leave right away) you never back down (no matter what it says).
If it speaks tell it to 'shut up in JESUS name' it will stop talking.
Tell it what to do like get out of here and it will go. Sometimes you have to insist because the demon will try to call your bluff - but we aren't bluffing!
I've never seen HIM fail.
Believe and you will receive.
I believe therefore I speak.
PS if you want me to call you, or if you think it would help to call me (either way) PM me - if that would help as we are both in Canada. I am open to that, but you've already got what I've got - JESUS!
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