Faith is always only called a
fruit (Galatians 5:22)
or a gift (1 Corinthians 12:9)
Both are not derived in and of ourselves.
If we are branches, then we don't produce the fruit, but
the fruit is produced through us - helping every around (not the branch itself).
see John 15:5
If its a gift of faith, then gifts can only be received.
So get over the fact that you can somehow 'amp it up', or 'get more of
it on your own'. (thats only mental ability)
The secret to the entire thing is the most simple yet most difficult.
JESUS said all over the place to simply 'abide'. (rest, live with, dwell with).
John 15:1-8
This is simple, anyone understands, but to do - needs HIS power.
Because we always want to do it, we never want to 'rest' and let GOD
do it - no, we want to work salvation, or miracles ourselves and never wait
and see the deliverence of GOD.
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, 2 Chronicles 20:17
We hate waiting, and we hate wondering - we live in a microwave society
that wants everything NOW. (because its all about me anyway - right?)
GOD says to labor, to enter rest. Hebrews 4:11
GOD says in order to see miracles - believe / trust JESUS. John 6:29
GOD says when we put on our armor, we simply stand (not fight - not think what
to do with this armor on). Ephesians 6:11
But HIS gifts, and fruit -flourish when we let HIS life (we trust, HE is doing it)
flow through us - spontaneously, just when you need it.
I like what Corrie Ten Boom says how she learned faith from
her Dad. Read it here, if you haven't heard it before:
Source: Corrie Ten Boom
A girl and her father were going to ride a train and the girl was concerned and asked her father many times on the way to the train station, where was her ticket? He kept reassuring her that just before she gets on the train he will give her the ticket and she need not worry.
It is this way with our Heavenly Father. He will give us the strength and help and support to successfully learn, grow and be blessed by ANY situation that we encounter in our turn here on earth. But he may give us that help right when we need it and not any earlier, so we may feel unprepared for many things that could come our
way. But we need not worry because he will give us the ticket to ride, when we need it.
Because HE supplies needs. Phillipians 4:19
Because no one can boast in HIS presence 1 Corinthians 1:29
Because faith pleases HIM Hebrews 11:6
So, get out there, and let HIS LOVE (which is HIMSELF) flow through
you spontaneously as you need it - everything works that way.
Because real love works that way - it spontaneously lavishes on any given
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