When you enter into union with the LORD JESUS, and with each other, GRACE (really GOD'S GRACE) is the key that opens doors. GRACE is simply LOVE demonstrated.
LOVE in action toward all (because all don't deserve it, and if it was deserved it is effort, law, wages).
Its a matter of GRACE (undeserved love) which if you are giving because they deserve it, then its not love, rather self-effort. Its ok to reward for good done, but remember thats not GRACE - MY LOVE (which is MYSELF - GOD - I AM) gives to all freely, without cost or effort, because all effort does is lead to death and is sin.
The opposite of self-effort is faith.
Self effort on one side / Faith on the other side.
Ok, so GRACE or LOVE in Action opens the door to great get - togethers. It does it by learning that and accepting the fact that anyone in your group is
1) Sent by ME (the LORD)
2) They all make up (those that confess ME) make up part of your body/their body/ the body of CHRIST. MY BODY.
3) They are loved and not judged on race, color, creed, money, status, power, sex, background, or sins but are loved because I Created them, I Love them, they are part of you and you them!
Once GRACE opens that door, and they know they are 'forgiven and loved', then you are what the Scripture calls 'walking in the light'.
"But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7
That is walking in the LIGHT and everything is judged by MY LOVE.
Every teaching, Every word, Every instruction, Every correction, Every idea,
Every persons actions - they are all judged only by MY LOVE.
When your group walks that way, they are starting to walk in the LIGHT (walk or abiding in ME - JESUS) when that happens fellowship grows - it blossoms is a better word. And like a blossom its fragrance is sweet and its beauty captivating.
As the LORD taught me.
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