We know that GOD doesn't change.
And although, we don't read 'blasphemy the HOLY SPIRIT' in the O.T.
Nor do we read "sin that leads to death", in the O.T.
That doesn't mean its not there.
"The New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New." - Augustine, A.D. 354-430
Really the SPIRIT of JESUS & HIS Kingdom is everywhere on everypage!
Its all about HIM!
So, this sin means that you've done something so wrong (to the LORD JESUS and Others), that you can't undo it - probably because you wouldn't want to (you are that far gone). Its no use praying over.
JESUS was warning the Pharasees of blasphemy. Matthew 12:31
In the O.T. its called the 'great sin'.
The result was punishment 'on earth', by being banished by GOD.
How the LORD explained it to me was the sin of resisting the Holy Spirit
when you are in a place to 'lead others', like a ruler, or priest or pastor
or prophet.
And instead of using that authority to lead others to a loving GOD, you use
it to push people against GOD. Using your knowledge and influence and leading
men astray.
This is what the Pharasees were guilty of. Being in the 'know' and
leading the lambs away.
Similar to what JESUS was saying 'that they should tie a heavy milstone
around their necks and drown' if they cause one of the little ones to stumble. Matthew 18:6 Luke 17:2 Mark 9:42
Ok, so where is it in the O.T.???
Its called The 'Great Sin', in the O.T. found in 2 Kings 17: 21-23
When he tore Israel away from the house of David, they made Jeroboam son of Nebat their king. Jeroboam enticed Israel away from following the LORD and caused them to commit a great sin. 22 The Israelites persisted in all the sins of Jeroboam and did not turn away from them 23 until the LORD removed them from his presence, as he had warned through all his servants the prophets. So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there.
Again its King Jeroboam knowing the good, and in the postion to
lead them to the LORD but deliberately leads them into rebellion.
Leads them into death not life!
Its not done by accident its intentional, its a willingness to lead
the people into outward rebellion away from the LORD JESUS bringing
and influencing the people into death (as they trusted you to lead them
into life).
A sin unto death.
So what do we do?
Just rest in the complete love of JESUS and let that love
flow out into the lives of others around us!
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