Luke 16:11
So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?
I woke up this morning with the LORD speaking this to my spirit.
Remember he who joins himself to the LORD is one SPIRIT. 1 Corinthians 6:17
So, as JESUS followers, we can easily hear with our hearts. (our spirits connected to HIM, really ONE with HIM).
What the world values GOD calls "detestable". See Luke 16:15
It is lust to put the false 'loves' of worldly things above what the LORD tells us to LOVE.
You see if you want promotion in greater gifting and true power, then it comes and increases by fruit growing.
I can see some of you shake your heads in doubt.
Here is the scripture to prove what I am saying.
CHRIST the WISDOM of GOD, the POWER of GOD. 1 Corinthians 1:24
Now how does this power come and increase?
The scripture also says, "I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST for it is the Power of GOD."
If we are preaching anything but the GRACE of JESUS its got No Power. In fact if its preaching on any part of human effort, self help or promoting man, its not righteousness by FAITH. Galatians 3:24
Its wicked unbelief in GOD, and not saving GRACE.
So, we must understand GRACE to start.
Once we do, we enter the kingdom of LOVE. The POWER increases by submitting to GOD. Abiding in JESUS.
Testing brings forth a true image and shows us our grades in the Kingdom. We pass the tests by properly 'handling' lessor things or earthly worldly things. When we do (by resting in JESUS, and ceasing your own effort), you start to the promotion.
How you handle food, shows how you can handle spiritual food.
How you handle money, determines if you are promoted in spiritual riches.
How you handle the (seemingly) 'lessor' around you will determine if or how you receive greater company. (Spiritual Visitation).
How you handle time, will determine how you operate in getting GOD'S timing - perfect timing.
Remember GOD is not impressed with worldly wealth. HE is only pleased with the fruit of the SPIRIT flowing out of us.
Now, if you think you are failing any tests, don't get 'hung up' on that, just
put your trust or faith in JESUS by asking HIM to change your wrong attitude or incorrect thinking.
As HE lives through you, you will see LOVE come alive, changing every part of you and your (improper) thinking.
Ok, so how we handle the lessor things, (thats the test), then we get promotion.
So, you are on your way to work, running a little behind. Some (so and so) cuts you off. Here's your test. Do you pray, and remind your self of HIM who loves the worst of us (loves us), and take HIS refilling? or do you re-act?
Here is your test, is patience (true riches) going to win, or worldy anger?
Are you satisfied and thankful to the LORD, for where you live? Or are you angered that you don't have a bigger place?
I once did a teaching on the fruit of the SPIRIT - patience. No sooner did it finish, I had to go to a local coffee shop and meet my Dad. I got there first and the place wasn't busy. I went in line as 2 young teenage girls arrived. The clerk asked for who was next, and the 2 girls, went ahead of me and took my spot.
My blood began to boil...
Then they couldn't decide what they wanted, and when they finally did decide, had to look through each others purse for change to pay for their order.
It seemed like this little transaction should be quick but not so for 2 giggling girls!
I was about to say something as I was there first - remember?
And the LORD spoke, HE said "do you remember your lesson?".
You see the lessons teachers/evangelists teach also apply to themselves. Or should I say primarily apply to themselves then others.
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:27
Little things, being faithful (doing it GOD'S way) in the small stuff guarantees
you Awesome Promotion.
So, its based on my effort eh? And not GRACE?
No, your effort will be without merit - nothing.
This is are you simply allowing HIM to mold you and make you or are you going
to let the sin nature dictate how to handle it?
Simply your choices.
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