The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lakeland Revival? Post

Had a question, come our way last year, and thought, maybe some of you hadn't seen it or even know what we are talking about so let me explain.

There was a so called revival in Lakeland Florida, where those attending claimed to see lots of healings and amazing things. Line ups were out the door, and you could attend or pay a fee, and watch it live via the internet, some of it made it on television also.

But there was lots of controversy around it as well. I know, I asked the LORD to show me if it was 'right or not', and got some neat answers, that I will share in this post.

The leaders, made lots of money on this revival, as it took in loads of cash. They also at times came across real hard on sick people needing prayer. I watched a few episodes and saw the preacher kick the one looking for healing, knocking him flying. I assume kicking out the devil, so the guy could be healed!

That guy never got his healing, and many others complained that 'nothing happened'.

Also alot of talk about angels, and angels leading the serivce. Now, I've seen angels on more than 1 occasion, and they only lift up JESUS and HIS KINGDOM, and don't talk about their own agenda and don't become center stage. In fact love doesn't do that, love always defers to the other person. JESUS always refered to HIS FATHER, the FATHER always spoke of the SON, and the SPIRIT always lifts up JESUS - you see, that is what love does, it doesn't talk about itself, but only others. So, use the LOVE test, if something is right or not. Read my love test post as well.

Anyway, you can google Lakeland Revival - I prefer to call it the Lackland (Lack) Revival.
Here was the question posted and our answer below:

I was wondering if anyone on this forum went to the Florida outpouring that went on in lakeland florida spring/summer 08

Answer (we received from the LORD):

The bible says test everything ( I Thess 5.21) and talks many times about false prophets.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. Matthew 24:24

Now, saying that its all dangerous and to avoid all things Spiritual would also be wrong because we worship and follow The LORD who is Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17)
And we are spiritual beings as well.

For the record, I've seen many healings, demons cast out and
other amazing things (praise GOD) because JESUS is the true
HERO - a real deliverer!

But, some things that trouble me are as follows:
1) are we chasing signs and wonders, or are the signs following us? Mark 16:17
2) do we need to go somewhere to get more of something, or is JESUS
really with us/ in us and that is MORE than enough? JESUS warned about going here and there hearing that 'HE was there'. Luke 17:23 & Matthew 24:23
3) From what I saw (on tv/internet) parts were very rough (hard on some folks) but
the SPIRIT is gentle (first shown to us descending like a dove) and JESUS was
gentle (the only time HE got tough was on the church going pharasees & that was still out of love).
4) Talked alot about money, angels etc.. but not from what I heard JESUS only.
(because that is who the HOLY SPIRIT ever only talks about).
5) Look at the fruit (because that is how we judge properly) "love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, gentleness, meekness, faith, and SELF CONTROL"

I have my doubts....



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