The term "Easter" is really pagan, and nothing to do with Christianity.
Paganism gave us the English word "Easter" which comes from the word " Eostre".
From this we get the term 'estrogen', from which we get all the ideas
of easter eggs, and bunnies and baby chicks.
This was named after the pagan god of 'fertility', and we get Easter.
But its not anything to do with all that junk!
Its all about HIM, the ONE who is the KING of Kings and Risen LORD.
And if Christ wasn't raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:14
It is all about JESUS coming back to life, (as death can not hold the
ONE who is LIFE).
Do you know that LIFE is a person - JESUS is LIFE!
And the resurrection proves that everything JESUS said, and did
is all true. HE didn't die like an ordianary man to be buried, but
JESUS said "No one takes it (HIS own LIFE) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again."
John 10:18
No man can say these words!
Everyone, needs to come to this time of passover and resurrection.
JESUS is our passover lamb, crucified for our well being, and by
HIS shed blood washing away every sin.
Now when that truth is received, and believed with humility HIS RESURRECTED
LIFE flows into us, and gives us a heart to believe in miracles and
see what HIS LOVE can do through us to a needy world around us.
Everyone - EVERYONE needs an encounter with the LIVING LORD.
Everyone needs HIS LOVE, HIS LIFE, HIS WISDOM, HIS JOY (thats unspeakable)!
What are you waiting for? How long do you want to live in fear and questions?
HE is the risen LORD, and wants to help you, deliver you and answer all
your questions!
Everyone, absolutely EVERYone needs JESUS!
Walking through the mall with my wife the other day, I saw this
poor easter bunny.

No little customers.
No happy faces.
Nothing but sitting around in boredom.
Where is the joy? Where is the victory?
I said to my wife, "I think even the easter bunny needs JESUS!"
Everyone needs HIS LIFE - abundant life - everyone needs JESUS!
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