Ok, I admit it, I am a bit of a sports fan, and I can almost hear my wife cry out "Only A Bit"??
But when you watch sports, or taking a small shot at my wife, who likes to keep up on some of the 'entertainment world', particularly the 'stars' walking the red carpet.
Something the LORD has been teaching me, reached me.
You know the world, makes a big deal about these 'little things', such as movie stars and baseball.
For example, the catcher who works with the pitcher to get the batter out. Together they form what is called 'The Battery'. And, sports guys talk about the catchers, skill in 'calling a game', where the catcher suggests (using his fingers with sign language) to the pitcher, what pitch to make, to get the batter out.
They also talk about the catchers skill in blocking balls that are thrown, by the pitcher into the dirt; sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident.
These sports guys, and us sports fans, go on and on about these things. Like did you know that this particular catcher has a great throwing arm, he has thrown out 39% of the base runners that try to steal (a base) on him.
Or the famous walk of the 'red carpet', as the commentators rave about the dress, color, designer, flow, etc... It becomes BIG NEWS, and is all over the newspapers by the next day. Sometimes, it could be her dress and the cost, but also the necklace she is wearing or broach or even the hair do.
My point,(rather the LORDS point) are that these are really little things that the world makes BIG out of. They go on about it, they spend millions on these athletes and movie stars as the cameras click away. Writing pages and pages of expression and explanation.
JESUS turns things around a puts it this way: "for that which is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15
You see GOD notices and loves the little things that are matters of the heart.
Because the heart, is where everything gets its motivation. LOVE or a wrong heart
with lust, is simply desire or wrong desires.
What the LORD really notices and is touched by, are the little acts of LOVE, carelessly ignored by the world.
HE sees the child, who folds little hands to pray.
HE sees the twinkle of the eye, of Grandpa teasing Grandma.
HE sees the tireless work of Mother, preparing laundry and lunch 365 days a year.
HE sees the teenager, walk away from temptation, when it was pushing all the buttons.
HE sees the strong Dad, carry the little one all the way to bed, and tuck them in.
HE sees the little girl, for the first time putting on makeup, dreaming of the red carpet.
HE sees the litte boy, grabbing a glove and trying to make a catch thinking of the big leagues.
Its the 'heart' issues that are things JESUS notices.
HE noticed the old poor lady, putting her last few coins to give to the poor. Mark 12
HE noticed the faith of the disciple JESUS loved, and put him in care of his mother.
HE noticed the offering of 5 barley loaves & 2 fish of a small boy. John 6:9
HE always notices faith with love. Its all about, the little offered in love.
That is great faith. That is the act of GOD - everything else is commentary actually detestable.
Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please GOD. Hebrews 11:6
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