Over the years the LORD has started to teach me part of the prophetic, and dream interpretation. (which is part of the prophetic gifts).
I am a work in progress, and without the LORD who is WISDOM, I have nothing, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 1:24
Want wisdom?
Want true power?
You need the ANOINTING - you need HIM! (and it comes only by HIS GRACE).
Ok, where does that leave us with Warning Dreams?
A few months ago, my wife had a dream warning her not to take a particular job offer.
How did we discern it? How did we know? (we didn't take the job, and we are glad now).
In the same way, when we get nightmares, or seemingly dark or warning dreams, how do we discern them or understand them? Are they all warnings? Or was it too much spicy dinner from the night before?
First off, to understand dreams properly, you need a full reality check in your understanding and experiencing HIS GRACE. Because HIS anointing teaches us ALL THINGS! 1 John 2:27
As you let go of religion, yes even Christian religion and church attending, and sit at DAD'S feet
and learn directly from the source, you wont get too far along. Because HE (HOLY SPIRIT) will
start to take away the garbage of christianity or churchianity and give you 100% JESUS.
Pure JESUS without contamination or anything added.
Because if you add anything to perfection, you pollute it - you contaminate it!
Ok, so lets talk dreams.
The LORD spoke to me today saying: "When you get a true warning dream from ME, it
will come in 2 ways".
"First, there is the warning dream about NOT doing something or going somewhere that you have been praying about. Asking should I do this, or should I not, should I go here, or should I not".
"These dreams, that are answers to your query about going, or doing, will come as an encouragement to 'go ahead', or a encouragement as a warning 'not to go ahead'. The warning dream, will make you thoroughly NOT want to go ahead. It will put such a taste in your spirit, that you really desire NOT to go ahead, NOT to do it."
The LORD continued, "The warning dreams about your future or some wrong behaviour or habit you may have, are always with the understanding, of what you need to realize, (understand) that you have to 'give up' to ME. These dreams always show you the way out! They are not just 'bad or scary' dreams without an upside towards or back to ME - who is your deliverer, your escape!"
Other than that, many dreams can be from the enemy, just as you have thoughts during the day that are from the enemy (not from ME, and not you either).
Lean on LOVE, let HIS LOVE for you, be the benchmark, the place where you discern right or true from wrong or un-true.
This anointing comes by GRACE. You have nothing to do but just believe!
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